Seven-> Enochian I Love You's

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Dean was not an emotional guy. He didn't say those three words, he never initiated hand-holding, and he knew sex was never about love for him. He hardly even hugged Sam, the most important person to him. Obviously he loved his little brother. He'd been watching over him ever since the fire that decimated his normal childhood. Carrying him outside as he watched his home go up in smoke was an experience Dean would never forget, and it had instantly solidified the belief he needed to watch out for Sammy.

Another thing Dean would always remember was meeting Castiel, angel of the lord. Barn doors flying open, light bulbs shattering as the determined angel moved beneath them, the whole thing was like watching a movie for him. And sure, that Castiel was wonderful. He was nice enough. But over time, Castiel had changed and grown. He reminded Dean he was centuries old, but Dean knew what personal growth was. Castiel had become nicer. He'd stop taking things so literally. He smiled, and he felt things. He was afraid, and comfortable, and hungry. Castiel, his Castiel, was better than ever.

Maybe that was why Dean found himself staring at the ceiling at four in the morning, wrapped up in the sheets with his hands behind his head. He couldn't help but wish Castiel was lying there with him. But then he'd have to hear, "why are we staring at the ceiling, Dean?" Dean chuckled, although it was cut short. He wouldn't mind hearing that so much. At least then Castiel would be in Dean's room instead of his own.

Even though angels didn't need to sleep, as Castiel had proclaimed many times in the past, both the Winchesters had felt he deserved a room. It was a space just for him, only a few feet down the hall from the kitchen. Castiel could always come and go as he pleased, the Winchesters didn't own him or have the means to keep him. And now he was there, just a short distance away, alone.

Dean could make up an excuse. It would make sense, why he had to stay with Castiel tonight. The reason might be totally foolproof. All he had to do was think of something, and Dean could stay with Castiel just for tonight. It would simply be a one time thing because Dean had been thinking of him and decided to give in.

The sheets fell away as he placed his feet on the ground. He looked around slowly at his bedroom, hunting for a pair of pants. He didn't find any. /it must be a sign/, Dean thought. And just as fast as he'd decided to find his Castiel, he sat back down on the bed. He closed his eyes and sighed. He only wanted to find Castiel, but it was wrong. He shouldn't want Castiel so badly he can't wait until morning. He shouldn't crave times when Sam wasn't around them, when it was just him and Cas. He should not be failing to fall asleep because he's thinking of the angel. He shouldn't want that trenchcoat thrown on his floor as they both moved toward his bed.

It'd never been in the cards for Dean to fall in love. The only girl he'd ever gotten a life with had been Lisa, and she'd departed much too soon. For him to fall in love with an angel in a male vessel? That was uncharted territory. This was what pushed Dean to stand again. Because didn't he fight monsters? Did he not cut the heads off of uncharted territory?

Dean took slow, quiet steps toward the door. He was surprised his hand didn't shake as he turned the knob. Moving carefully, he found his way to Castiel's room. He didn't knock. If he was awake, Dean decided, then he'd talk with him. If he was asleep, Dean would leave and forget his feelings for good. He opened the door.

On the bed lay Castiel, staring at the ceiling like Dean had been doing minutes ago. He looked up as Dean entered, squinting. "Dean?" He called in a whisper.

"Yeah, Cas, it's me." He gave him a short smile, feeling the breath he'd been holding come out in a rush.

"What are you doing here?"

Dean chuckled, sitting down on the bed beside Castiel. "I couldn't sleep."

Castiel nodded, relaxing back against the pillows. "Nightmares?"

"No." Dean said.

"Do you want me to put you to sleep?" Castiel suggested.

Dean shook his head.

"What can I do then? Why come here?" Castiel asked, sitting up against the wall.

"Cas, I couldn't sleep because... because I can't stop thinking of you." Dean whispered.

"What do you mean, Dean?"

Dean put his face in his hands. "Castiel, you mean everything to me. Watching you over the years, seeing you walk into that lake after the whole leviathan mess, helping you when you became human... I know it's wrong, but I want you. I want to kiss you, in the worst way. I want you to be there when I wake up, and I want to have some sort of apple pie life with you, Cas. I... I- I care about you a lot." He finished lamely.

Castiel nodded gingerly, absorbing the information. Then he patted the bed. "Come here."

Dean moved into the room and sat down beside the angel. Castiel looked at him, smiling. He put a hand cautiously out to reach Dean's cheek. Dean leaned into the touch, trying to read his impassive face.

"Dean, do you want to lay with me?" Castiel asked bluntly.

Dean nodded, despite wanting to laugh at how he'd phrased it.

Castiel smiled halfway. "Alright." He shifted position so he was sideways on the edge of the bed, laying with his head on his hand.

Dean swallowed and lay down, facing him. Castiel gazed at him. Dean blushed. He rolled over. Castiel immediately pressed himself to Dean's back, curling around the man. He put his hand over his bare arm. He started tracing words in Enochian.

After a while, Dean's whole body stiffened up. He'd been learning the angel language, little bits here and there, trying to understand his friend. He understood what Castiel had just written on his arm. "Cas... I love you too."

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