Nine-> Paper Airplanes

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Dean panted heavily. His defenses were failing him. "You'll never take me alive!" He yelled across the room, crumpling the paper airplane that had surpassed his pillow wall.

"False!" Castiel retaliated, flying another past his own fortress of sheets.

Dean grumbled inwardly. Castiel had gotten the couch as another aid. His open areas were few, and Dean hadn't been able to fly past any of them.

Castiel flew another airplane into Dean's base. "This is too easy!"

"Shut up!" Dean growled, ripping Castiel's plane and folding his own. He tossed it into the air, only to watch it nosedive into the carpet. Castiel cackled.


"I said shut up!"

"NEVER!" Castiel shouted, hurriedly folding another.

With Castiel's back turned, Dean advanced swiftly into enemy territory. "Gotcha!" He locked his arms around his shoulders. Castiel tried to buck him off, but Dean just rolled them both to the floor. He quickly moved to be on top. "Usually you're much less resistant when I'm in this position." He grinned.

Castiel scowled, but it turned easily into a smile. "You asshole. How can I stay mad at you when I want to screw you? Am I supposed to just fuck it out?" He wondered idly.

Dean leaned down for a kiss, a low growl in his voice. "That could be arranged."

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