Ten-> Eternal Fight

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With a heavy sigh, Dean picked his stack of papers off the desk, moving over to the side of it, when a portly young woman rapped on his open glass door.

"Mr. Winchester?" She asked in a soft rasp.

Dean bit his lip, putting on a cordial tone. "Yes?"

The lady stepped into the office gingerly, as if afraid of Dean. "May I speak to you for a- a moment?" She asked, looking down at her black boots.

Dean screamed inside. "Of course, I'm still working." For, like, five more minutes!

"I need to speak with you about...my husband." She bit out. "I- we have been married for a year now. Three days ago, I ran away." She looked Dean in the eye.

Dean nodded encouragingly. As an abuse victim counselor, he understood the courage needed to tell the stories he heard on a daily basis. He wanted to be welcoming, but he knew Castiel was at home right then putting on his best clothes for a Friday night date. Hoping his husband wouldn't be too upset, Dean offered the woman a seat at his desk.

Castiel stood in front of the mirror, scruffing up his hair the way it left Dean breathless. He grinned at the image of Dean's surprised look. His husband would be on his way home by now, probably stressed out from another day at the office. He knew Dean's new job had begun to take a toll. After working for the firehouse for over fifteen years, Dean had been told to settle down when he'd started having heart problems. Even now, Castiel was still nervous about his health, especially since Dean had only stopped the physical stressing of his heart. He still carried the psychological burden daily. Castiel shook away the thought, focusing instead on the sultry tone his husband would be using tonight. With a final, anxious smile in the mirror, Castiel grabbed his keys and drove to the restaurant where he and Dean had agreed to meet.

Two hours later, he was a worried mess. The waiter became more and more insistent he needed to order something or leave, so he'd asked for a pitcher of water to fill his glass. The pitcher had been brought over fifteen minutes ago now, and it had been drained once since. Castiel was working his way through the refill when a clearly disheveled Dean Winchester finally ran over to his table.

Castiel was out of his seat immediately, hugging him bone-crushingly tight. "I was so worried about you." He breathed, burying his nose in Dean's shoulder as he started to cry softly.

"I got a last minute walk-in. I can't turn clients away. I'm so sorry, Cas. I really feel horrible about standing you up like this." Dean said, holding his husband close.

Castiel sniffled, pulling away to look at Dean's face. "Hey, you didn't stand anybody up. You made it, and that's what matters. I'm just glad you're here." He smiled brightly.

Dean pulled him into another hug. "How did I marry such an amazing guy?"

Castiel chuckled. "I know you are, but what am I?"

"Really? That line?" Dean quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh, hush. I was trying to be romantic." Castiel glared playfully.

Dean took his seat on the other side of their table. He paused for a moment. "Cas, why were you scared something had happened?"

"I just was worried, is all." Castiel played it off. Dean didn't let up, and Castiel sighed. "Look, I was worried your heart had failed again, alright? It's fine. You're here, and you're just fine. It's not that big of a deal." He took another drink.

Dean sighed. "I can't even be late without concerning my husband."

"It was two hours." Castiel stated quietly.

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