Sixteen-> Busty Busted

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Dean smiled at Sam over his beer, taking a long swig. Sam suddenly stood up, his own bottle in hand, and walked over to the table. Dean absently wished he hadn't left a copy of Busy Asian Beauties out on it, but he dismissed the thought quickly. He and Sam were brothers, and it wouldn't be the first time one had seen the other's porn. After all, they'd lived in motels for most of their lives. There was never exactly space for them in one room.

His eyes widened, however, when Sam picked up the magazine.

"Dean, man, you've got to start keeping these things in your room. I mean," he held it out in front of him so that the pages dangled. "It's practically falling apar..."

Dean saw it before Sam did. The photos of his best friend, trench coat on and off. The photos Sam was never meant to see. They fluttered to the ground in a back and forth motion, before every single one landed face up.

"Uhh..." Even if he was sober, Sam wouldn't have known what to say.

Dean felt like he was going to melt into the floor. But by then he wondered if that was a bad thing. "It's not- I just... son of a bitch."

Sam stepped back, setting the magazine down as if it were a ticking bomb. "I'm just gonna... go..."

Dean let his head fall onto the table. He felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up, the photos weren't on the floor. "Hey, Cas."

"Hello, Dean." He replied, untying the belt on his coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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