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"Dante... You're such a.. Such a--"


"No! Shut up!"

"Why should I?"

"B-Because I told you too!"

"But I don't want to shut up."

"Well... You need to!"


"Stop pouting and help me!"

"Ok, ok! Someone's pushy..!"

"I'm not pushy!"

"Pfft... Keep telling yourself that."


"I know!"




Lets start from the beginning...


"Ooh! Katelyn, Vylad, Kawaii~Chan! Come on, we're going to Olive Garden!" Aphmau squealed from the living room. Katelyn trudged downstairs as Kawaii~Chan gleefully bounced down. Vylad groaned and threw his pillow over his head, "I don't want to go!" Vylad exclaimed. Aphmau sighs and opens the door to the basement, only stepping down a few steps, "Come on, Vylad. It'll be fun!" Aphmau says. "I'm tired!" Vylad informs. Aphmau thinks of a response, "Garroth will be there." Aphmau says. "OK. I'M NOT GOING." Vylad raises his voice. Aphmau lets out an exaggerated sigh once again then walks down the rest of the steps. "Come on, dork! Breadsticks await!" Katelyn exclaims from the top of the stairs. Aphmau pulls the covers off of Vylad, grabs his foot, then drags him from the mattress. Vylad falls face first into the floor, "I hate you." Vylad grumbles. "I love you too!" Aphmau sings. Vylad groans again, then has Aphmau release his foot. The brunette gets up, "Lets go." Vylad says as he adjusts his scarf and messes his hair into a decent style. Once everyone is upstairs, they make their way to Katelyn's car, "BREADSTICKS ARE AWAITING, KATELYN. STOMP ON THAT GAS." Aphmau yells. "I am, calm down!" Katelyn replies as she starts the car.


Meanwhile With The Guys...


"DANTE, WE'RE GETTING OLIVE GARDEN WITH THE GIRLS AND VYLAD. COMING OR NOT?" Garroth yells from the living room as Laurance and Travis make their way to the blonde. "Yep! One second." Dante replies as he pulls the red hood away from his head. Dante walks out from the room, "Lets go!" Travis exclaims gleefully as he hops out the door. Dante looks at his brunette and blonde friends, "WHERE ARE YOU, LAURANCE? YOUR CAR IS WAITING." Travis screams from outside. "We're coming, we're coming!" Laurance walks out to the car. Dante glances at Garroth, "Well... The car isn't going to drive itself." Dante sighs. Garroth nods, then the two walk outside to Laurance's car.




"Aanndd... We're here!" Laurance smiles as he pulls up to Olive Garden. Travis hops out of the car at the speed of light as Dante, Laurance and Garroth get out at a casual pace. The girls (and Vylad) are already talking to a hostess to get a table. Aphmau turns around while Katelyn gets a table, "Oh! Boys! Over here!" Aphmau waves her hand in the air. The four boys turn their attention to their black haired friend. They all walk over. "Is this your whole party?" The hostess asks Katelyn. Katelyn nods, "Ok! Come this way." The hostess walks away with 9 menus in her hand. "How can she carry that many menus?" Garroth asks his brunette friend in a quiet, lowered voice. Laurance shrugs. The hostess sets all of the menus on a decently long table, "Your waiter will be with you in a second." The woman smiles as everyone smiles. "Thank you." Aphmau thanks. The two exchange smiles, then the hostess walks off. Vylad sits in silence on his phone as Dante and Travis chat only one seat away from him. A couple minutes pass until a man with black hair and green eyes walks over. "Oh, hey, Brendan." Aphmau greets. Brendan doesn't wave, due to the 9 glasses of water in his hands. "Hey." Brendan replies. He balances the two trays of glassed water on his forearms. Brendan carefully sets the trays down, then starts handing them out to people. As Brendan hands Dante a glass, Dante spills it and the water drips all over both, Dante and Vylad. "DANTE! WHAT THE HECK?" Vylad screams as he stares at his soaked clothes. "Vylad! I... I am so sorry!" Dante apologizes. Vylad grunts, then storms to the restroom with Dante only following a few feet behind. "Dante, you are so dead." Vylad says. "Oh, I already died." Dante replies. Vylad gives Dante a strange look, "What?" Vylad questions. "I died of your cuteness." Dante winks at the end of his sentence. A mad blush breaks out onto Vylad's face, but Vylad covers his face up with his scarf.

"Dante... You're such a.. Such a--" Vylad starts.

"Cutie?" Dante cuts off the angry brunette.

Vylad blush grows even more, "No! Shut up!" The brunette exclaims.

"Why should I?" Dante questions, getting close to the brunette's face.

"B-Because I told you too!" Vylad pushes the bluenette away.

"I don't want to shut up." Dante retorts.

"Well... You need too!" Vylad doesn't sound too threatening at the moment.

"Aww..." Dante pouts, puppy dog eyes being added.

Vylad scowls, "Stop pouting and help me!" Vylad chides.

Dante throws his hands up in defeat, "Ok, ok! Someone's pushy!" Dante says.

"I'm not pushy!" Vylad defends.

"Pfft... Keep telling yourself that." Dante lowers his voice at the last sentence.

"I HEARD THAT." Vylad raises his voice, opposite to Dante.

"I know!" Dante replies.

Vylad scoffs and continues to rub the paper towel into his soaked shirt.


EeEeEeE :3 This is finally out! Thank you all for your patience with this page. With this being the launch, I'm excited to present to you all...


Welcome to our books! :3



Song: [Nightcore] Ghost - Remix by PluggedToNightcore (Dave Aude Remix, Original Song By Ella Henderson)

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