Or Teal? (Chapter 2)~Mall Trip

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A/N: Since I won't be able to update on my scheduled day, Sunday, I'll be updating this today because like I said, I won't be able to update this on Sunday. Sorry about that. But, hey! You got a chapter a day earlier I guess *nervous laughing* hehehehehheh. Never mind that. Enjoy the chapter! ~Car


Dante's POV

A Couple Days Later...

"Come on, dorks! We're getting me a cellphone! Katelyn, c'mon you're moving at the pace of a snail!" Vylad exclaims. Aphmau insisted I come to help Vylad get a new phone. I honestly don't know why, but I won't question it. Oh yea... Zane stepped on his phone when Garroth dropped it the other day.... Vylad seems so giddy about getting a phone. It's almost cute-- DANTE, WHAT'RE YOU THINKING?! "Dante, are you ok? You were muttering to yourself.." Aphmau asks. Vylad, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan and I are all waiting for Katelyn (Vylad is right, she is moving at the pace of a snail. A dead one). Vylad takes a glance at me and smiles. I return the gesture. My phone goes off as Katelyn comes down the stairs. Vylad takes his eyes off of me and engulfs Katelyn in a big bear hug, "Gah! Let go of me!" Katelyn commands. "Squee! No, I'm never letting go, Cat-Lyn!" Vylad exclaims. I walk outside. The sound of punching is followed by the sound of Vylad whimpering, "Never call me that again!" Katelyn growls. "O-Ok, Cat--" Vylad gets cut off again. He winces even more. I glance inside, then back at my phone.

"What is it, Garroth?" I ask into the phone.

"Can't a guy just ask to see how his bro's doin'?" Garroth questions.

"Uhh... Sure.." He doesn't normally just 'check in'.. He wants something and I don't want to stay and find out.

"Dante! Dante! Come on, we're leaving!" I exclaim in a high pitched voice.

"Ok, that was Vylad calling me, gotta go, bye!" I exclaim. Before I can hang up, Garroth speaks

"You know I can see you out the window, right?" He questions. I curse to myself mentally.

"Dante, we're leaving." Aphmau says. I silently congratulate myself.

Garroth sighs, "Fine."

And with that, the line goes dead.

"Coming!" I exclaim. I run to Kawaii~Chan's pink cube car. We get in then drive to the MehStreet Mall.

•Wee Lil Timeskip•

Vylad's POV

"Aanndd... We're here! Is Vylad~Kun excited to get his new phone?" Kawaii~Chan asks. "Yup!" I exclaim cheerfully. Kawaii~Chan giggles, then we all pile out of her pink car (Zane would love this car). We walk into the mall and Kawaii~Chan immediately grabs my hand and leads me to the orange store to get the latest oPhone. She leaves everyone else behind, "Kawaii~Chan, wait up! VLANTE NEEDS TO HAPPEN!" Aphmau screams. Kawaii~Chan doesn't seem to hear her. Aphmau grabs Dante's hand, "COME ON, DANTE! WE HAVE A SHIP TO FUFILL!" Aphmau screams. She then bolts down the mall as well with Katelyn following shortly behind, phone in hand and camera ready. Katelyn runs after all of us. "WAIT FOR MEEEE!!!" Katelyn yells. Kawaii~Chan drags me into the Orange Store. she gasps, "VYLAD~KUN! LOOK AT THIS KAWAII PHONE! KAWAII~CHAN WANTS IT!" Kawaii~Chan points at a pastel pink phone. "Y'know that's just a case, right?" I question. "Shut up, Vylad~Kun! Kawaii~Chan wants it!" Kawaii~Chan then let's go of my hand and rushes to it. "INCOMING!" Aphmau yells. I look back and see her pushing Dante my way. Dante doesn't have enough time to stop before our bodies collide and we're on the ground. Dante's on top of me. Katelyn's snapping pictures, Aphmau's squealing and making sure that people don interfere while Kawaii~Chan is engulfed in the pink phone case that she thinks is the phone itself. Katelyn places her foot on Dante's back, "KISS!" She raises her voice. She pushes Dante down to the point where our lips are touching. She steps off and takes a ton of pictures before Dante pulls back. "S-Sorry." He apologizes. I lay there, frozen and awestruck.

Teal, Blue Or Green? =Vlante FF= []DISCONTINUED[]Where stories live. Discover now