Or Teal (Chapter 6)~Aaron Mayeh and Zane Ro'Meave

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A/N: Before I start this, I want to say thank you so much for 1k reads. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story! Well, I'm not going to keep you waiting any longer. Enjoy the chapter! ~Car


Aphmau's POV

The Next Day....

I look out of the cell bars, Katelyn in the one across from me. She's punching at the bars, "Katelyn, stop! You're going to get yourself hurt...!" I exclaim. Katelyn continues to punch at them, not paying any attention to me, "I don't care, Aphmau... I need to get out of here!" She responds. I sigh and look around. "Kawaii~Chan's scared, Aphmau~Senpai." Kawaii~Chan mumbles from the corner of our cells. Apparently, Kawaii~Chan and I are cell mates. I walk over to Kawaii~Chan and lay a sincere hand on her chin, "Everything's going to be fine. There's nothing to worry about. We'll get out of this... I promise." I promise, unsure of the commitment I'm making. Kawaii~Chan sniffles and paints a small smile onto her face, "T-Thank you, Aphmau~Senpai. Kawaii~Chan feels a lot better now." Kawaii~Chan thanks. A huge wave of guilt washes over my body, "No need to thank me." I say as I slip my hand off of her face. Kawaii~Chan smiles at me. "Katelyn! Stop punching at the bars!" Donna exclaims. She's Katelyn's cell mate. Ugh... Who came up with the brilliant idea of putting the two spunkiest and stubborn girls in a cell together? Not me! I bet by the time we get out of here, one will have to stay longer due to murder. Haha, not really! Maybe. There are no promises with Katelyn and Donna. An officer comes up to Kawaii~Chan and mine's cell, "You're being bailed out. So is your blue haired friend." He says. "Hey! What about me?!" Donna asks. The officer whips his head in Donna's direction, "You're being bailed out by someone else. Some werewolf." He scrunches his nose up at the word 'Werewolf'. "Logan! That's-That's my husband!" Donna exclaims. "Yada-Yada. We get it, you're ready to get out of here." The cop scowls. "Hey! Stop being so grumpy!" Donna exclaims. "Don't tell me what to do." He growls, then unlocks Kawaii~Chan and mine's cell door. He turns around and does the same to Katelyn's and Donna's, but only lets Katelyn out. "Bye, Donna!" Katelyn waves, then walks off. Katelyn tried to wave goodbye, but the handcuffs held her back. "Haha! You failed!" Donna exclaims. "SHUT UP!" Katelyn yells. "Miss FireFist, we need you to calm down." A nicer cop tells Katelyn as he escorts her down the hall. The mean cop takes me down the hall, neither one of us exchanging looks or words. Kawaii~Chan was escorted by a female cop. She had long, auburn hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful. Her and Kawaii~Chan seemed to get along just fine, but me on the other hand, got stuck with Mr.Grumpy-In-Your-Face-Pants. Yay (note the sarcasm). Once we get out, we see Logan waiting impatiently in the department's lobby. He's tapping his foot on the ground at a rapid pace, a worried look plastered on his face. Logan and I exchange glances before Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and I are basically thrown into a changing room. Our clothes are slid inside. Once we change, we come outside and slip the orange suits on the desk that lays in the lobby. The three of us walk out, just to be greeted by Laurance, Garroth, Zane, Aaron and Travis. "Hey!" Travis, Laurance, Aaron and Garroth exclaim in unison, a joyful expression in their words and on their faces. "Hello." Zane greets in his usual tone. I run up to Zane and wrap my arms around him, "Thank you." I mumble into his hear. "It shouldn't be me you're thanking. It should be Travis'." Zane replies. I pull back, "Why?" I ask. "For some reason, the department called Travis. He told us, and here we are right now." Zane pretty much sums everything up in just a couple sentences. I nod, "Let's leave, shall we?" Katelyn suggests. "Yes, please!" I exclaim. "Kawaii~Chan would like that." Kawaii~Chan says. Aaron wraps his arms around me in a big bear hug before releasing. I walk away between two people. My boyfriend and best friend.

Better Known As... Aaron Mayeh and Zane Ro'Meave.


A/N: I don't actually know Aaron's last name, so I came up with Mayeh (got that name from my Hunger Games and Aphmau crossover on my main - Surviving The Games :3 *shameless self advertising right here*). Thanks for reading! ~Car

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