Or Teal? (Chapter 4)~The Cake

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A/N: Chapter number 2! Enjoy! ~Car


Dante's POV

I tap my foot on the floor impatiently, "Where are they? It's been ten minutes." I mumble eagerly. "Dante, calm down. I'm sure they'll be here soon." Vylad tries to calm my nerves. It works. I inhale and exhale, "Ok.. Kawaii~Chan? Donna? You ok in there?" I project my voice so they can here me. "We're coming, Dante~Kun!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims. In a matter of seconds, both of the girls come out with a chocolate cake. Vylad's eyes widen as his jaw drops. His mouth starts watering and he starts hopping like a little kid. "Eeee! Is that.. Chocolate cake?!" Vylad asks. Donna grins, "Chocolate fudge cake!" She informs. Vylad's eyes widen even more, "Aaahh! That's my favorite!" Vylad hops up and down. Katelyn had pulled Aphmau from the store earlier after getting a text. "Oh my Irene..." Vylad breathes heavily, trying to calm himself down, "Yes!" Vylad shouts. He runs over to the cake. "Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast." Donna chides. Vylad steps back as Donna places the cake on one of the tables in her shop. She grabs two plates, two forks and a cutting knife. Kawaii~Chan seems more giddy than usual, but that's probably because Donna had most likely given Kawaii~Chan some sweet or something like that. "Kawaii~Chan has to go find Katelyn~Sama and Aphmau~Senpai. Bye!" And with that, Kawaii~Chan is out the door. The small bell atop the door rings as Kawaii~Chan opens and closes the door. Once Donna sits both, Vylad and I in a chair, she cuts the cake, then leaves with the door locked. "One the cake is gone, it'll be unlocked!" Donna exclaims, then closes the door. "D-Donna!" Vylad stutters. I get up and make my way to the door, but Vylad grabs my wrist, holding me back. "We might as well just eat the cake. They aren't going to let us out until we do so." Vylad says. I sigh, giving in, "I guess, whatever. Let's just get this over with." I groan. Vylad smacks my shoulder, "Lighten up! It's cake!" Vylad exclaims optimistically. I sit down in the chair, "I hate being forced to eat cake." I mutter. Vylad rolls his bright green eyes, "It's not like you've been forced to eat cake before." He says. I sigh, "I guess you're right." I reply. Vylad smiles and gets a sliver of cake on his fork. I do the same. "Cheers?" He starts. "Cheers." I repeat. We both put the slice in our mouths. Once I swallow it, Vylad suddenly seems a million more times appealing than usual (I'm not saying that-- ugh just read it). Eventually we finish the slice that Donna gave us. Vylad seems more and more appealing with each bite. We finish the cake. I lean over the table and wipe the chocolate off of Vylad's cheek with my thumb. Vylad leans closer to me and connects our lips. The kiss deepens until we finally pull back. There's a pink tint in Vylad's eyes, but that doesn't phase me and it doesn't seem to bother Vylad either, taking the fact that there's probably a pink tint in my eyes as well. My eyes trail down to Vylad's scarf. The end of it is resting on the table. The green fabric has a small, brown smear from the chocolate (I think) of the cake. "What're you--" Vylad starts. I cut Vylad off by grabbing his scarf and pulling him closer to me, "Dante!" He exclaims. I smash our lips together. Once we pull back, the pink tint washes from both of our eyes. Vylad falls on the floor, out of his chair. My vision starts to get dizzy as I fall from my chair too. Everything goes black.

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