Or Teal (Chapter 5)~One Problem Atop Another

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Aphmau's POV

We see Dante and Vylad fall out of their chairs, unconscious. Donna quickly unlocks the door and rushes in with Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and myself following shortly behind. Katelyn picks up Dante (since he's heavier) and Donna picks up Vylad. "Aphmau, call 911. Kawaii~Chan..." Katelyn pauses, "Do you boo, do you." Katelyn finishes, aiming her words at Kawaii~Chan. Katelyn glances at me and winks, then looks back down at Dante. I quickly stuff my hand into my pocket and pull out my phone. I dial 911.

"911, What's your emergency?" A woman's scratchy voice makes it thru the phone.

"I-I have two friends that need ambulances now!" I hear the tapping of a keyboard, but continue talking anyway, "They ate some kind of cake and are now unconscious..!" I explain.

"Do you know if anything was in the cake?"

"N-No! Bu-But I'm assuming it was some love potion b-because they started acting more lovey-dovey."

"Ok..." She takes a breath, "I'll call in two ambulances, one for each person."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank--"

"No need to thank me, sweetheart. I'm just doing this because it's my job. I get off at three."

She then hangs up. "Rude." I mumble into the phone. Katelyn glances at me, two of her fingers on Dante's neck, trying to check his pulse, "When are they going to be here?" She asks. I glance around, "I don't know." My eyes widen, "Wait she never asked my location. I--" I start. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Someone yells. We all turn around and see police officers being backed up by four paramedics. Katelyn and Donna are forced to drop Vylad and Dante when two paramedics take the two from their arms. The other two prepare the gurney. Donna and Katelyn slowly pick themselves off the ground with their hands in the air. Kawaii~Chan looks at the officers wide eyed, the plate of empty cake (where the cake used to be before Vylad and Dante finished stuffing their face with it) falls from her hands. She quickly throws her hands in the air. I've already had my hands up. Vylad and Dante get pulled out of the shop, "Wh-What're we getting arrested for?!" Katelyn asks. I glare at Katelyn, "Katelyn, shut up!" I mumble. She looks down, but back up a couple seconds later. "You four women are under arrest for unfair potion use." The officer looks at Donna, "And you're under arrest for food poisoning!" He exclaims. An officer grabs Donna's wrist and throws them behind her back, and wraps cold handcuffs around her wrist. Donna gets escorted out. On the outside of the store, Logan is screaming at the officers to have them let Donna go, "LET MY WIFE GO! LET MY WIFE GO!" Logan yells. "Logan, it's ok." Donna assures. "LET MY WIFE GO, IRENE!" Logan yells even louder. Logan and Donna are taken from our sight. My eyes widen as I feel cold metal on my wrist as well. I glance at Kawaii~Chan, who's tail is getting taped to her back. Her wrist are handcuffed. Katelyn's wrist and handcuffed, her ankles tied as well. Yea... If I were the officer, I would trust Katelyn with her arms or legs. "Start moving, shortie!" The officer nudges me. "Rude!" I exclaim, then start walking. I glance at Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn as I pass the store. "APHMAU!" Katelyn exclaims. "Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan cries. Once I get outside, I see three cop cars, two ambulances and three paramedics outside. One must be driving the ambulance. The officer throws me into his cop car, "Get comfortable, because we're going to the station." He then closes the door shut and gets into the front. We start driving to the police department. Oh no... This isn't good.

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