Or Teal? (Chapter 7)~Zane's House

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A/N: idk what to put here but I wanted to say something :P Tell me how your day was/is in the comments! : ) Enjoy! ~Car

P.S. Sorry for the confusion yesterday! I had accidentally posted this chapter (bcuz it's like second instinct to post a chapter after finishing it) but at least it's here :3 Sorry again! ~Car (This note will be discarded after chapter 8 is up)


Donna's POV

Katelyn gives me a smirk and a wave before turning the corner, disappearing from my sight. My blood boils. What did I ever do to her? "Donna!" Somebody exclaims. I look into the direction of the voice and see two cops walking my way, Logan trying to follow behind. Logan gets pulled back into the department's lobby. The officers take me from my cell and walk me down the hallway. It's completely silent, minus the sound of our footsteps and shaking metal of my handcuffs (and the handcuffs attached to the waistband of the officer's uniform). Once we reach the department's lobby, an officer hands me my clothes then walks off. I scramble to the restroom, change out of the orange jumpsuit (and change into my regular clothes), then walk out. I place the prison outfit on the desk, and walk over to Logan. "Hey, sugar pee." Logan gives me a quick kiss. "Hey." I greet, smiling. Logan returns the gesture. He wraps our hands together, then we walk out, hand in hand.


Zane's POV

"So you got arrested for giving Vylad and Dante a love potion cake?" I remind myself. Aphmau and I are sitting on the couch in my living room. It's just us. "Well, it was Kawaii~Chan and Donna's idea. Katelyn and I were witnesses, along with supporters. I guess that counts as being a culprit." Aphmau explains. "Who exactly bailed Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and I out?" Aphmau asks. I look at her, "Aaron and I split the cost for you to get out. Travis paid for Katelyn's bail and I paid for Kawaii~Chan's full bail." I answer. Aphmau sits up, out of her slouching position, "Do you have a thing for Kawaii~Chan?" Aphmau asks, wiggling her eyebrows. "No! S-Shut up!" I stutter. "Sure. You paying for her whole bail sounds like nothing." Aphmau says sarcastically. "What? It is! Nobody else was paying, so I stepped up and did it!" I defend, "Garroth would've paid for her bail, but he's paying for Vylad and Dante's hospital bills...!" I add. Aphmau rolls her eyes, "Fine... You're off the hook." She pauses and stares me dead into my pale, icy blue eye, "For now." She finishes. Aphmau giggles as I stare at her, trying to think of a response. "I would say something but I can't think of anything." I cross my arms. Aphmau giggles again, "It's fine, Zane." She replies with a smile, "Not everyone can keep up with a gem such as myself." She adds. I roll my eyes, "As if." I mumble. The smirk that she had on her face wipes away as she stares at me, mouth ajar. She gives me a toothy grin, "Hey!" She exclaims. She walks over to me, playfully punches my arm, then waddles back over to where she was originally sitting. "Are you sure nothing is going on with you and Kawaii~Chan?" Aphmau questions, seriousness laced in with her words. I nod, "Positive." I state. Aphmau gives me a reluctant look, "Ok... I only want the best for you, Zane. You know that, right?" She assures. "Of course." I reply. The serious look washes off her face, "Wanna watch My Little Horsies?" She offers. "Yes!" I exclaim. Aphmau giggles, "I'll start making the cupcakes." She gets up and walks into the kitchen, "Make 'em fluffy!" I say. "Don't worry, I will." A small, breathy chuckle is added to her sentence. I smile under my mask, then pop the My Little Horsies DVD into the DVD player.

Let's just hope that these girls don't get arrested...


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