Or Teal (Chapter 12)~Rest, Ocean

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A/N: Chapter one out of three :3


Dante's POV

Some Dream World...

I wake up in a vast field. I raise my body up into a sitting position, then look around, green grass covering the dirt. I get up. As my two feet glue to the ground, a blinding light washes over my sight. When it fades, I can see everything that's going on in the hospital room. I look around and see my body laying on a brick-like hospital bed, the monitor beating at a fast pace, showing my quickening heart beat as my panic gets higher. Vylad has a fake smile on his face, but it's evident that guilt is behind the paint. When I go to lay a hand on his shoulder, my hand goes straight thru it. Vylad's eyes widen as he starts to shiver. A wave of guilt seems to hit me in the face. I want to wake up.

I want to wake up.

I want to wake up.

Wake up!

Wake up!

Wake up!


Vylad's POV

Dante's heart rate goes up. Is he scared? Garroth calls a nurse in. "He's waking up!" The nurse exclaims. Glee spreads over the room. As Dante's eyes start to flutter open, a wave of relief washes over me. "Oh my Irene, thank you." I mumble to myself. Garroth pats my shoulder, "Told you everything was going to be alright." Garroth reminds. I look behind me and up. I look into Garroth's teal eyes, a smile painted on my face, "Big brother..." I pause, "You never tell me otherwise." I finish. Garroth smiles brightly, then wraps his arms around me in a big bear hug. "I love you." Garroth says, his British accent ringing in my ears. I smile into his chest, "I love you too." I reply. "Vylad..." Dante mumbles, his voice scratchy. I pull back and look into Garroth's caring eyes. He gives me a small nod, then I turn around and start to slowly walk over to Dante. Step by step, each one gets shakier. Nerves spread out thru my body like a wild fire as I look down at Dante's face. He has small black rings under his eyes. And it's all my fault. The wave of guilt from earlier washes over me again, it almost knocking me off my feet. "It's ok..." Dante assures, noticing my evident guilt. Dante and I look into each other's eyes, "I'm sorry." I apologize. Dante gives me a sleepy smile, "It's ok." He repeats. We stare into each other's eyes. I soon find myself leaning in. Our lips touch, "GET A ROOM!" Travis yells nonchalantly. I pull back quickly and shoot him a glare. He has his arm wrapped around Zane, "Why don't you get a room so you and Zane can make out more?" I question. Zane's face breaks out into a blush as he tugs on his mask to make it cover almost his whole face. Travis' cheeks seem to be on fire, "That's what I thought." I state. I smirk, then turn back around. I look back down at Dante. I give Dante a small peck on the lips, then I hear the door close. When I pull back, I look behind me and see that everybody had left. Well, everybody except Dante and myself, of course. "Come here." Dante commands with a soft, yet scratchy voice. I twist my heels and stare into his ocean blue eyes. I sit down into the chair by his bed and kiss his forehead. I run my hand thru his hair, "Go to sleep, Ocean." I say, "You need it." I finish. He looks tired, "But I don't want to go to sleep." Dante whines. I plant another kiss on his forehead, "Sleep well." I say. Dante's tired eyes soon close, small snores escaping his mouth. He's asleep, so I drift off too with my head on the side of his bed.

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