#Gold King

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Mihashira Tower
The gold King called Munakata. At the peak of the tower was a large room where the Slate is located. The Slate holds the power to control the Sanctum. Beside Munakata are Awashima and Fushimi. "What prompt you to call me? Lieutenant?", Munakata asked. "I'm having hard time of controlling the Slate because of my old age. I am passing it to you once I'm dead", The Gold King informed. 'So straightforward", Munakata chuckled.

Outside Mihashira Tower...
Fushimi spotted Hiruna and Kushina around the park. Munakata noticed it. "Go. Observe", Munakata ordered. Fushimi sighed and followed the order.

Park .
Hiruna is watching Kushina play at the slides. "Why are you just watching?", Kushina stopped playing. "I cannot play in my age", Hiruna laughed. "You have the same smile as Tatara-san and principles as Kusanagi-san", Kushina clenched her fist. "Kushina, do want me to call you Anna?", Hiruna asked. "Sure", Kushina shyly answered. "Can it be that you are...uhm..", Kushina let out a marble on her pocket. "Those are wonderful", Hiruna appreciated. "Mikoto-san gave it to me", Kushina informed. Hiruna sighed and patted the girl's head. "It's getting hot. I'll just get some ice cream", Hiruna went to get some. She went back and saw Kushina was missing. The marble was on the ground. She dropped the ice cream and ran at the park looking for the girl. She asked the passerbies and even kids around Kushina's age. She saw some jungle players walking around the park. She tried to follow them. Hiruna was able to end at an alley. She peeked and saw jungle players around 10 members. She went closer but her phone rang. One jungle player caught her and dragged her into the group. "Look what I've found!!!", one boasted. "Oh.... Want us to call you amazing?!", one scolded. "What if we dont give her to boss so we can get extra credit?",one asked. They covered her mouth and took a photo of her. Hiruna bit the one covering her mouth and was thrown at the side. "Bastard!!!", the jungle player drew a stungun.

He was about to throw it but a dagger was sent destroying the stun gun. "I'll tell you something", Hiruna heard a familiar voice. "Get lost of you'll get totally erases from the jungle", Fushimi clicked his tongue. Beside him was Kushina. "Anna", Hiruna called. "Sorry", Kushina apologzied. "Uhm.. It's good to know that you are safe", Hiruna smiled. Fushimi looked at the players. They backed off and ran away. Hiruna sighed and stood up. "Than-", Hiruna was cut off when she saw Yata at the edge of the alley. His eyes was full of rage and ran away. "Yata-san!!!", Hiruna called out. "Let the idiot do his own thing", Fushimi adviced. "Dont you think that he needs you right now?", Kushina asked. "Who needs me", Fushimi boredly said and started to walk away. Hiruna pulled his sleeves and was also suprised that she did that. "There is... There is...always someone who needs you", Hiruna said. Fushimi gave a blank stare and sighed. Fushimi grabbed his sleeves and left.

Cafe Shop...
"What is...wrong with him?!!", Hiruna was stressed. "That's Fushimi-san", Kushina assured. "How come you knew him?", Hiruna asked. "Fushimi-san is a former HOMRA member", Kushina informed. Hiruna was left dumbfounded. "How was that possible?", Hiruna asked. "He abandoned the HOMRA and went to Scepter 4", Kushina explained. "No way", Hiruna bit his lips. "He didnt do that with no reason. In fact, I found it heartbreaking for him to leave HOMRA since Yata was there", Kushina added. Hiruna was curioused that she listened carefully. "I'm tired. You have to figure out the rest on your own", Kushina yawned. "You can sleep for a while. I'll be calling Rikio-san", Hiruna smiled.

After an hour of waiting, Rikio came and fetch Kushina. "You can go ahead", Hiruna gave the key. "Be careful", Hiruna warned. The two already left. Hiruna called Kusanagi.
Hiruna: Hey! You've been busy
Kusanagi: My bad. What are you doing right now?
Hiruna: I'm actually with Anna a while ago. They're at my house right now.
Kusanagi: Dont tell me that you already made contact with the Jungle?
Hiruna: We did... But Fushimi-san was there to save us.
Kusanagi: Run and hid-

The glasses were shattered. Hiruna ducked on the table and looked at her phone. It was malfunctioning. "Why? It's Madam Nullification", a man in purple hair and golden eyes. Hiruna crawled out as she sensed danger. She tried to ran away but her jacket was caught by Yukari, Green clan's top player. Hiruna turned and headbutted the guy. She was able to ran away. She saw some men in blue uniform. "Scepter 4", Hiruna called out. She was just some meter close when Yukari grabbed her hair and knocked her .

Rikio was rushing to the bar. Yata was found lying around. "Yata!!! Anna...anna was... Anna was caught by the green clan", Rikio informed. Yata stood up ans got some weapon he could use. Rikio grabbed him back inside the bar. "They are powerful right now. Even the Blues are having hard time fixing this mess", Rikio explained. "What do you want me to do? Just wait and loose another comrade?!", Yata roared. Rikio stepped back.

On The Streets...
Yata called Fushimi...

Yata: Oy...monkey.
Fushimi: Who is this? It's an unregistered number.
Yata: Dont mess around with me. Anna is caught as a captive...you dont have any grudge for her...right?
Fushimi: Dont know you..

Fushimi hanged the phone but sent a map to Yata. The guy rushed to the building. It was a tall building. Together with Yata are the silver clan. Kuro and Neko came to give aid since they knew about the incident. After a while, some Scepter 4 came to give help. Munakata stayed on the van with Awashima. "Why arent you going out? Captain?", Awashima asked. "A new King is to be born", Munakata smiled. After sometime, the sword of Damocles appeared. It was the red's sword of damocles. The insignia was given back to the former HOMRA members. Kusanagi also happened to be there, making him the usual King's second man in command. Yata, Kusanagi, and Anna went out. The Scepter 4 lined to give respect to the new King of the HOMRA. Munakata greeted the lady and explained what happened during the battle at Ashinaka High. Anna accepted it.

That's all for today. Gotta sleep.


Thank you for reading

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