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Hiruna woke up and saw white paints and curtains. Beside her is a table with beautiful flowers. She sat down and saw that her feet are still cemented. She looked around and saw no one. The door opened and Kusanagi entered. "Erina, it's been a week since you were unconcious. Good news!!! Its all done. The Slate is destroyed and you no longer have to spend your days thinking of sacrificing yourself", Kusanagi hugged her. Hiruna cried. "Why are you crying?", Kusanagi panicked. "Does something hurt?", Kusanagi asked. "Why? You sacrificed your powers just to spare me from reseting?", Hiruna wiped her tears but it still flows. "It wasnt us who suggested it in the first place", Kusanagi opened. "I was also shocked when Fushimi called us for a meeting. The moment he knew about your case, he already tried to find another solution. He was the one who came up to this solution. Dont blame yourself. Maybe its also a realization for us that humans are not yet capable of having such ability", Kusanagi explained.

"Fushimi-san...did?", Hiruna tried to stand up. "You cannot stand up yet", Kusanagi stopped her. "Fushimi-san is not around. He's somewhere", Kusanagi said. Hiruna remembered that he was left at the hideout. She forced herself to stand. "I knew you are going to be pushy", Hiruna heard a familiar voice coming from the door. Fushimi entered. He was in civilian clothings. He has bandages everywhere. His face is also covered with some dressings. "Fushimi-san...", Hiruna tried to reach out to him. "I'll come closer, dont worry", Fushimi clicked his tongue. "Fushimi-san...", Hiruna was still trying to get closer. Kusanagi carried the dextrose in order not to be detached from Hiruna. She was limping heading to Fushimi. She grabbed his shoulder and hugged him tight. "I thought I would never see you again", Hiruna cried. Fushimi sighed and saw his hand wide open. He was about to hug her back when he saw Kusanagi looking at him with some weird aura. Fushimi cleared his throat. Hiruna lets go.

Fushimi assisted her back to bed. "Kusanagi-san. Arent you going to leave us for a while?", Fushimi asked. Kusanagi is burning with anger. "Izumo-san.", Hiruna smiled. Kusanagi left. "Too much for a protective father", Fushimi sighed a let a small laugh. "Its nice to see you give a smile or even a short laugh", Hiruna noticed. "I like you....", she whispered. "I like your smile... I mean", Hiruna clarified. "Fushimi-san", Hiruna held his hands. "I owe you big time", Hiruna started to cry again. Fushimi wiped her tears with his hands. "Stop crying. I am bothered everytime you do so", Fushimi sat at the bed. He took Hiruna's head and let it rest on his chest. "I want you to hear me...Hiruna" Fushimi said. There was just a moment of silent. Hiruna can hear Fushimi's heartbeat. "What?", Hiruna asked. "Cant you hear my heart screaming your name?", Fushimi asked. Hiruna flushed. She withdrawn her head and hid inside the blanket. "Misaki said that would be effective", Fushimi chuckled. Hiruna removed the blanket. "Are you teasing me?!", Hiruna pouted.

Fushimi had a calm look on her face. "I wont do it the way they do", Fushimi sighed. He pinned Hiruna on the bed. "I order you to go out with me", Fushimi said in a serious voice. Hiruna's face turned into a tomato. "Who do you think you are?! You're no suppose to court a girl in that way", Hiruna pouted and pushed Fushimi away.

6 Months after...
Fushimi Saruhiko's POV
We are now living simple lives. No more intense work to do. No more chasing Strains. No more sleepless night. No more commands from a intimidating King. Munakata-san no longer leads the Scepter 4. It still remained as a partner of police. Akiyama led the group. As for me, I also resigned and was asked by Mom to take over the company. After jungle was destroyed, a lot of investors went to Mom's company. We're not that close but we are working hand in hand. The Silver King went back to his original body and continued living with his clansmen as an instructor. Seri-san got married. To whom? Kusanagi-san... and that's where I am heading right now. I stopped by HOMRA's bar to pick Misaki and Anna. They were both dressed up. We managed to get there before the wedding. Misaki is the best man and I'm irritated that I am not the one in his place. Misaki and Kusanagi waited at the altar while waiting for the bride. A girl in white dress and flowers on her hair entered. Everyone's eyes widened. "Why is the bride without veil?", I heard a grandma ask. "She's not the bride", I said in my irritation. Shinoa, who was beside me, laughed. "Geez, why dont you court her already?", Shinoa humphed. I did. It's already 3 months. I've been sending her flowers everyday but she gives it back to me . Walking her home but she always avoids me. Trying to invite her for dinner but she never did answer me. Girls are complicated.

I looked up and saw her looking at me. I gave nod and she smiled. What does she want to say yes to me? Lieutenant already called the single ladies to go for the bouquet. Hiruna was just sitting at the side and the bouquet fell on her lap. All the girls was disappointed. Kusanagi stood up and removed his neck tie. "The one who grabs the necktie will be the next groom", Kusanagi looked at me with challenge. I loosen my necktie. All the other guys are at it. They went to him at once. I wait and watched them struggle and grab each other until I grabbed the necktie from Kusanagi-san. We were both called at the center.

Hiruna sits at the chair and I need to kneel down and tie the necktie on her leg. I pouted and hesitated to do it. I guess I have to do it. Hiruna chuckled and cuped my face. "Do you have a question you need for me to answer?", Hiruna asked. 'Then, can I ask again. Will you go out with me?", I asked. "Okay ", Hiruna smiled. That's all? I just need to ask? "I am finally graduating so I guess I can answer you now", Hiruna held her hand to me. I took it. She grabbed me and hugged me tight. "Thank you, Fushimi-san, for everything", Hiruna whispered to me.


Kaboom! Fireworks everywhere.

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