#Walk to Remember

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Just got the title from a movie.. Hope you also watched that.. So here it goes... Continuation of previous chapter...

Fushimi and Aya continued the negotiations and ended with Fushimi getting what he wants. Aya went out and left the guy. Hiruna went to give the bill. "Uhmm... It seems that you're having a quarell?", Hiruna noticed. "That's who we are", Fushimi answered and gave a card. "I'll be waiting for you outside", Fushimi said as he stood.

Hiruna went out with her school uniform.

Streets... 7:30 pm
"Are we going somewhere?", Hiruna asked. "Bus station", Fushimi answered. Hiruna sighed. "I heard that the green clan kidnapped you", Fushimi opened. "Oh... I get it. You want me to work with you so we can get the bad guys kneel on their feet?", Hiruna said excitingly. "Messing with greens is not a good thing", Fushimi reminded. "Then..since I went out early. Can you accompany we at the arcade house? You are also in a day off so let's get some stress annihilated ", Hiruna led the way to the arcade house. "This brings stupid memories back", Fushimi sighed. "With your friends?", Hiruna asked. "I only had one before", Fushimi answered. "Why? You're no longer friends now?", Hiruna asked. Fushimi remained silent. They hit the basketball shooting game. Hiruna won. They whacked the mice and Hiruna won. They shoot zombies on the Screen and Hiruna won. They tried to have dance craze. Hiruna won by default. "Uhmm... I noticed that you're not enjoying. Are there any games you want to try?", Hiruna asked. "Driving game", Fushimi answered. They did play and Fushimi finally won.

They walked down the road. They ended at the bus station. "The bus is here", Fushimi slightly pushed her. Hiruna saw the man in front of her wearing a red jacket and remembered HOMRA. She stopped and went out of the bus. She tried to look for Fushimi and saw her just a meter away. "Fushimi-san", she called. "Did you forget something?", Fushimi turned to her direction. "Ah... Something us really bugging me since then", Hiruna opened. "Kushina told me about...you being a former...", Hiruna saw Fushimi's furrowes brows. "Former great student. I am having hard time in catching up with my math subject", Hiruna tried to lighten the atmosphere. "I'm not a tutor. Go ask for other people", Fushimi clicked his tongue. "Ah... Right", Hiruna scatched the back of her neck. "Then, bye", Hiruna bowed and laughed. One step and...

They were surrounded by bunch of middle class jungle players. "Oh, the third man in command and the boss' request...what a glorious day!!!", their leader cheered. Hiruna steppes back and reunited with Fushimi. "I seems to carry bad luck around", Hiruna sighed. Fushimi was about to draw his sword. "Missed! Hahaha. You forgot your sword", one laughed. "Then he is vulnerable as a lady", one teased. "Fushimi-san", Hiruna said in a worried voice. "Dont give me that sound...like you dont trust me", Fushimi brought out blades. "Make a distance", Fushimi commanded. Hiruna stepped away. Fushimi activated his Red flames that enveloped the Jungle Players. "No way! Our information says that he's a Blue", the leader whined. They were crushed after some time. "That was amazing!", Hiruna shouted in glee. "They are not real clansmen. They are just normal humans", Fushimi said in irritation. He fell on his knees and grabbed on his chest. "Mikoto-san already died...but this disgusting mark is still on me", Fushimi punched the ground. Hiruna went closer to him. "Fushimi-san. You're a Blue and yet you're also a Red. That's..", Hiruna was about to praise him for being in the same group since Hiruna wants peace in them. "That's disappointing. Isnt it?", Fushimi stood up.

"That's amazing! People always says that its the color. Call me selfish or what... But I dont want to see clans fight over just because of colors", Hiruna raised her voice. "Look... I betrayed HOMRA and turned into a BLUE. It is clearly perceived as treachery", Fushimi sighed. "Plus... I'm the reason why Kusanagi cannot leave HOMRA and leave with you", Fushimi added. "What do you mean?", Hiruna asked. "I am a disappointment to everyone", Fushimi said in a low voice. "Why dont you say that aloud so we can hear you?", Yata's voice echoed on the area. Hiruna looked back and saw Yata and the rest of the HOMRA. "Anna noticed a weird Red Flame on her marble. We tried to look for it and saw you", Kusanagi explained. "Now that we're sure it's not Mikoto-san, then let's go", Rikio tried to pull them out. "No... This time I want to ask you... Saruhiko. Why did you leave HOMRA?", Yata stepped forward and released his flame. "No fighting please", Hiruna tried to calm him down. "This is more exciting", Fushimi also released his red flame. "Why not use your Blue flame? You're better with that, arent you?", Yata said in irritation. "You're not worthy of that flame", Fushimi teased. The two was about to get wild when Kusanagi went in between them. He knocked Yata down and punched Fushimi's stomach. Yata fainted and was carried by Rikio. "We were asked not to interfere with Scepter 4. I hope you also abide with that rule", Kusanagi said while looking down on Fushimi.

Kusanagi went with Rikio but Hiruna assisted Fushimi. "Are you okay? That seems to hurt", Hiruna tried to give a hand. Fushimi slapped it away. "Erina...never make any contact with him anymore. Your life will be endangered", Kusanagi pulled her away from Fushimi. "I wont fall into your King's trap", Kusanagi whispered to Fushimi.

Scepter 4 Dorm
Fushimi's Room
Fushimi threw himself on the bed. "Mission failed", he said into the wind. "That's more like it", Munakata entered his room. "What? You're a sadist that you like seeing me fail?", Fushimi sat. "I'm not your father. That's more like it. The more that Kusanagi shows that kind of movement...the more proofs we have that he's hiding something from us", Munakata smirked.


I made some revision.

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