Chapter 8

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Guys I messed up. I think I accidentally said Chastin was 24. She's actually 22. Just to clear that up!! So sorry for my dumb moment. Ready on!


-Harry's POV-

"What?" I asked looking at Chastin. She seems to have gotten sober in a matter of seconds.

"Harry I-" She begins to say but clamps her mouth shut.

"Chastin I'm serious. Is Niall telling the truth?" I look straight into her hazel eyes that have specks of green in them.

"Uh...I...yes." She hung her heads down.

I have a daughter. I have a daughter. I'm a dad.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask her calmly. I am beyond pissed, but yelling won't get me anywhere.

She scoffs and looks at me.

"You cheated on me with my best friend. We haven't seen each other in four years, and when we do you call me a slut." She shouts at me.

I thought we would draw a crowd, but I guess not. Everybody's too busy having sex on the ground, not literally.

"How could you be so selfish as to keep such a secret from me. That's my daughter." I probably look like a tomato. "I did the right thing cheating on you." I mutter. She clearly heard.

"I don't want you anywhere near my daughter." She has tears in her eyes. She grabs her phone and leaves.

"SHIT!" I slam my fist on the table.

"You're in some deep shit." Niall says.

* * *

-Niall's POV-

I have a major migraine. I don't remember much from last night. All I know is Chastin won't answer my calls.

"Hey this is Chastin. I can't come to the phone right now, so please leave a message after the beep." Her voicemail says.

Why won't she answer my calls? She probably just has a huge hangover.

I walk to the hotel living room. We just found out from management that we get to have a break. I see Harry on his phone typing pretty fast.

"Hey Haz what are you up to?" I sit next to him.

"How long have you known?" He glares at me.

"What are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What's up with everybody today?

"Don't act like you don't know! How long have you known I have a daughter?" He shouts. Chastin told him?

"Chastin finally told you?" I ask.

He lets out a dry laugh. Am I missing something?

"Niall just fucking tell me how long?" Now the boys are watching us.

"Since Chastin left four years ago." I whisper.

"You've known that Darcy's my daughter for four years? You've hidden this from me for four years?" He's up on his feet now.

"It wasn't for me to tell." I say.

"Like hell it wasn't." He says then storms out of the hotel.

"Harry's the father of Chastin's daughter?" Zayn is the only one to ask.

I nod my head.

* * *

-Chastin's POV-

I called in sick to work today. One, because Darcy is still sick. Poor thing has the flu. Two, because I'm just not up for it.

When I came hoe last night I cried. I thanked Sarah, she left, and I went to my room and cried.

Darcy must have heard me, because when I woke up this morning she was in my bed sleeping. I hated that fact that Darcy saw me like this.

Right now I'm watching TV. I'm in some blue plaid pajama pants, a pick little mermaid t-shirt, and some slippers. My hair is in a messy bun.

I'm trying to keep it down. I really don't want to disturb my baby, and my head will explode any minute. Bad idea getting drunk last night.

I still can't believe Niall. Drunk or not, that was so uncalled for. Now Harry knows, and he's mad about me not telling him.

My phone has been vibrating all morning. Of course it's Niall. I'm in no mood to speak to him.

I'm just sitting watching Pretty Little Liars, when there's a knock on the door. Actually banging. If this person wakes my daughter up, it will be the last thing they do.

I open the door and my breath hitches in my throat. Of course I wasn't expecting this. Everything is always unexpected in my life.

"Harry?" I ask him quietly.


There's chapter 8. Can you believe Harry now knows the big secret?!

So what do you think will happen???

On the side is a picture of Chastin's pajamas. I just really like putting up some multimedia.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter. So please comment and vote!! Don't forget Chastin is actually 22!!


Until next update my lovelies. Baiii. XOXO

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now