Chapter 21

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I got up and hugged my speechless dad. It's been so long  since I've seen him. I feel him slowly hug me back. 

"Chastin.." He says quietly. I pull away from the hug and go to Chad. Wow the last time I'd seen him was a while ago.

I lean in to give him a hug also. He hugs me tight. It feels great too see family and know they still love you. I pull away and walk over to get Darcy.

"I have someone for you guys to meet." I beam at them. They exchange glances.

When I walk over to them with Darcy their unsure eyes light up. They grow smiles on their faces. They both take a step forward.  I know Darcy's hiding behind me now. I hear my father and Chad chuckle.

"Dad, Chad, this is Darcy." I pick Darcy up. Of course she hides in my neck.

"Wow..." My dad whispers. "I hadn't noticed you grew up Chastin." He tells me.

He walks closer to me and looks at Darcy. Then he takes a look up at me. I know he notices how Darcy and I look nothing alike. If I hadn't of given birth to her, I'd think she wasn't mine.

"Where's her father." My father asks. He genuinely sounds curious. I feel Darcy tighten her arms around me at the mention of her dad.

"We aren't together dad." I mumble. This isn't the most comfortable thing to speak of with your father.

"Why is that?" He goes deeper with his questioning. Now it isn't curiosity.

"Jack..." Ellie trails off.

"Because we just aren't." I snap. I don't mean to sound rude, but it's a sensitive subject.

"I'm just asking a question Chastin." He shrugs. I sigh. My annoyance is growing and I'm starting to feel jet-lagged.

"Because maybe he just found out about her a little over a week ago. Maybe he cheated on  me nine months before she was born." I shout. It feels good to have his wait lifted off my chest. All I ever do is hold my feelings in. It's about time to let it out.

I walk to the door and open it. I hurry to strap Darcy in and walk to my side. I hear a door open and close. I see Chad walking over to me. I take in a deep breath and exhale it.

"Look Chastin he's just overwhelmed okay. He's just now see his daughter after four years." chad tells me. I shake my head. I really don't care if I left unexpectedly four years ago and just now coming back. There was honestly no need or him to do that to me, make me feel bad.

"He doesn't even know why I left." I whisper. I'm honestly hurt by my father.

"What you said about Harry, it's true?" Chad asks. I nod my head hesitantly.

"He's why you left?" He implies.

"Leaving is me specialty." I let out  a nervous laugh even though it's true. I seem to always run. It's always from Harry.

"It was great seeing you Chad. I think I'm going to go home and sleep. Plus I know Darcy will be out like a light during the drive." I hug him again. I hop in the car and start it. When I look at Darcy her eyes are drooping.

As soon as I walk in the door my mother comes from the kitchen. She has a smile on her face.

"Hey I'm going to go take a nap with Darcy." I tell her and her smile drops.

"Awe. I thought we could all go shopping." She says. Well the answer is no, Darcy's already asleep and I know when my head hits the pillow I'll be asleep in no time.

"I think we're just jet-lagged. Maybe tomorrow. I really want some Jack Wills clothing." I reassure her. She nods her head.

I head upstairs to my room. I lay Darcy on the bed and change her into her pajamas so she'll be comfortable. I change into sweats and a tank top. When I lay on the bed my phone buzzes.

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें