Chapter 11

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There she stood. I hate to say it but she was so gorgeous. How can someone look like that on a Saturday?

Her hair was straight. She was wearing a black and white stripped shirt. She complemented the shirt with red shorts. On her feet were some black Oxfords. She had on red lipstick. She just looked so pretty.

"No." Louis said bluntly. What's his problem.

"Well whoever cleaned did a really good job. It honestly makes no sense for a bunch of twenty two year olds to be so messy. How old are you Louis? Twenty three?" She says quite rudely. I never would have thought.

"How old are you Taylor? 40?" He says back equally as rude.

"You know damb well that's not my age." She crosses her arms over her chest. This is actually very amusing.

It starts to get slightly uncomfortable. You can feel the tension. I clear my throat to draw the attention away from them.

"It's nice to see you again." I smile sweetly at Taylor.

She just looks at me. That's not weird at all. Note the sarcasm.

"Oh wait you're...Charlie right?" She did not just say that.

"Um Chastin." I say between clenched teeth. "We talked like a week ago."

"Oh that's right. You're that stylist." She says. Man do I want to smack that smile off her face.

"Mhm yeah." I say.

"Taylor where did you go?" Harry comes out.

He's in nothing but boxers. His curls are all disheveled. All I have to say is wow. When I heard his voice I got those butterflies in my stomach, and tingles in my body.

"Whoa who cleaned?" He looks around the room. We lock eyes with each other.

It's like all the feelings came rushing back. Right there in that second gazing into each others eyes. All at once my heart starts aching for him.

Some clears their throat. We break our gaze at each other and look where the sound is coming from. Taylor is looking at us confused. Liam is looking back and forth trying to put the pieces together. Louis had a knowing smirk on his face. Niall had food in his mouth with it wide open just looking at everybody.

"Niall close your mouth." I tell him sternly. He rolls his eyes but continues chewing with his mouth closed.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks.

"Isn't it obvious." We all look at Louis. "She missed us so much. And she came to feed us." He holds up his Big Mac. Yeah that's totally what I came for.

"Oi, what's with all the ruckus?" I hear another voice. Must be the other one fifth of One Direction. "Who cleaned?" He asks when he's in the living room.

"Is it so bad for someone to clean a room? Damn." I'm getting really annoyed with everybody asking who cleaned.

"So are you here for something or...?" Harry looks at me.

"I have to talk to you." Everybody looks at me expectantly. I cross my arms over my chest and look at them. "Privately."

He motions for me to follow him. As soon as I walk close to him Taylor plants a sloppy kiss on his lips. Wonder what's she's trying to prove, because I don't steal boyfriends. 

"what's wrong? Is Darcy okay?" He looks at me concerned. That's so sweet he cares so much for her.

"Um yeah she's perfectly fine." I tell him.

"Then what's wrong?" He takes a seat on the bed.

"I was thinking that it's maybe time to tell Darcy." I take a seat next to him.

"Really?" He looks at me. I nod my head and his smile widens to where I can see those dimples I love so much. He envelopes me in a tight hug. I can't help but let out a little giggle.

"Chastin you just made me the happiest man alive." He tells me

We stand up and walk to the door. He opens it to Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Taylor with wide eyes looking at us. Immature peasants.

"Excuse you guys but I think when I said privately I meant it. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" There's the mom in me coming out.

"We were just comparing doors." Niall says. I put my hands on my hips. I am not amused.

"Where's Darcy?" I ask them. They look at each other, then back to me.

"On the couch sleeping." Liam says. I really thought he'd be the one against eavesdropping but I guess not.

"And you guys just left her there." I glare at each and every one of them. "I'm very disappointed in all of you." I walk over to the couch to see Darcy still sleeping.

"I think we're going to leave. I'll come back with Darcy in a couple hours." I pick her up. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up. Me and Harry look at each other. I turn and walk to the door.

"I expect this place to look exactly the same when I come back." I point at them. I look at Taylor to see she's scowling at me. Well someone is a little jealous.

* * *

I've been at In Style for a couple of hours now. I thought I'd get a little work done. Darcy is sitting with Valentine and Katy in my office.

I walk back there to see them eating ice cream. Okay when did they get that?

"Guys, Harry knows." I say to them. They both look at me confused until it clicks in their head.

"How?" Valentine looks at me.

"Niall was drunk and told him." I answer her.

"When was Niall drunk?" Katy furrows her eyebrows.

"At the club." I look at her.

"Wait the night of the fashion show?" Valentine cocks her head to the side. This back and forth thing is getting annoying.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"And you waited this long to tell us?" Katy scoffs at me.

"I wanted to see if I was comfortable with him knowing." I explain.

"So does you know who know?" Valentine asks referring to Darcy.

I shake my head and sigh. "I was about to take her to their hotel now." I say.

"Well then I guess we'll see you later then?" Katy says. I nod my head and pick Darcy up.

"Bye Aunt Katy, bye Aunt Valentine." She waves at them. They wave back and I walk out.

Well here goes nothing.


How was this chapter guys??

I thought I'd add Jessi into the cast. I'm sick guys :( Like my nose is all stuffy and yesterday my throat was hurting!

I want your comment and votes guys. I need to know if this sequel is doing okay!!!


Until next update my lovelies. Baiii. XOXO

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now