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Please read the last authors note ever for this story.

Read on lovelies. :)


His name is Matthew James Styles. He's our beautiful boy. He was born July sixth 2018, 2:03 AM. Six pounds and eight ounces. My beautiful baby boy.


"Harry, can you get me some ice cream?" I look up at him. He nods his head and leaves the room.

I let out a sigh and try to get more comfortable on the bed. I'm in my third trimester -my ninth month- and the doctor has put me on bed rest. He said not to do too much. Matthew could come any day now.

That's the name Harry and I decided on. There was a lot of names thrown in the pile. A lot of argument about them also. My hormones might have made me overreact about a lot of things. This name was actually the only one we both liked. Darcy was the one to pick it.

I took in a sharp breath when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. It was probably Braxton contractions. The pain ended a couple seconds later. I rested my head on the pillow. Harry finally came back with Darcy towing behind him. I lifted myself up so my back was against the headboard. Harry handed me my ice cream and I mumbled a 'thank you.' Darcy got in the bed timidly, Harry slowly got on the other side of her.

I can't say I was the most stable person throughout the months. Actually I know I was a sobbing bitch. Every five minutes I'd cry. Then I'd get mad and take it out on Harry. Darcy was actually afraid of me. I know she was scared I'd snap at her. I can't blame her. I mean when I was pregnant with Darcy I was the same way. There's no doubt there'd be a lot of sibling fights.

I put a big scoop of the Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Then I looked at Darcy. She was already looking up at me with her big green eyes. My eyes shifted over to Harry. He looked so tired. He had bags under his eyes. I didn't think my pregnancy took such a toll on him.

"You guys know I love you right?" They both look at me at the same time. "I'm sorry I've been so...malicious." I tell them.

Darcy gives me a big smile. "It's okay mommy." She says then gives me a hug.

I look at Harry. He's staring at me intently.

"I can't wait for Matthew to come out." He grins at me. I laugh a little.

My laughing is cut off by the pain again. Both Harry and Darcy look at me. Then I feel wetness in my sweats and on the bed.

The pain finally stops. I look at Harry.

"My water broke." I say surprisingly calm.

Harry's eyes widen. Darcy holds a look of confusion. Next thing I know Harry's off the bed and by my side. I grab onto his offered hand and he helps me get up. I get on my feet and start waddling to the door. We get to the stairs and start walking down. It seems I'm going to slow. The contractions start again.

"Fuck!" I screech. I grab onto my stomach with the hand that isn't holding Harry's.

When they stop I start waddling again. My mom is sitting on the couch when we finally get down the stairs.

"Mom." I say breathlessly. She turns and looks at me with a smile. "Water, labor, hospital." I say.

Her eyes widen. "Oh my God. My baby is having another baby." She cries. I scowl at her.

"Yes we're all aware of that. You need to drive Darcy to the hos-" I stop talking when another contraction happens.

I feel myself being lifted. I look at Harry and he carrying me bridal style. He walks out to the garage. I didn't even see him grab the keys. He sets me down, and I sit in the passenger seat. I see him run to the drivers side and he gets in. Once the car is started he's quick to drive.

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now