Chapter 10

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A couple days have passed since HArry was here. Darcy's fever is gone, but she still has to continue to take cough medicine. For some reason she's become more attached to me. Everywhere i go, she goes. She sleeps with me at night still.

Harry's been calling me everyday. He asks how Darcy is doing. He even asks to talk to her. I don't know if I'mm ready for him to do that.

Niall calls too. He constantly leaves voicemails. His top three questions are 'What's wrong,' 'What did i do,' and 'Are you okay.' I should just forgive the poor lad.

Today I decided to go over to the boys hotel. Harry gave me the address on one of our many calls. He said it's for just in case.

"C'mon baby." I take Darcy to get dressed.

She had just woken up not too long ago. That's another thing, she doesn't wake up before me anymore. I wonder what's wrong with her.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

I pick out a floral skirt for her. I grab a white tank top, and sandals. She hurries to change into the clothes. When she's finished, i tuck the tank top into the skirt.

"We're going to go visit someone." I tell her.

I quickly brush the tangles out her hair. I clip some of her hair back with a white bow. I still can't get over how adorable she is.


 "Wait for me okay baby?" I tell her. She nods her head and sits on her bed.

I walk over to my room. I debate between jeans, leggings, a skirt, shorts, or just not to dress up. I'll just wear a dress.

I pick out a white lace dress. It has sleeveless lace at the top, with buttons going down to the belt. I got out some red suede shoes that have a part to wrap around the ankle. Finally I curled my hair.

"You ready baby?" I came into Darcy's room.

She nodded her head eagerly. We walked out the door and to my car. It won't take long to get to the hotel. On the way there we stopped by McDonald's. It won't hurt to buy them some food. Niall's probably eaten all of it.

When we got to the hotel my heart beat picked up. For some reason I'm nervous. That won't help anything. I walked into the lobby with Darcy in my arms, and the food in one hand. When I got there the receptionist girl smiled at me. Yeah she's a girl, just like that time at my father's reception.

"Hello Miss. Can I help with anything?" She sweetly smiles at me. She's much better than that girl from the reception.

"Uhm... I'm actually visiting a friend, is that okay?" I smile back at her. She nods her head.

"That's definitely fine. Your little sister is so cute." She says and looks at Darcy. Darcy hides her head in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you, but she's my daughter." I tell her. Her eyes go wide with surprise. Um okay?

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now