Chapter 29

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Read the authors not at the end :)


A couple weeks have passed since we've had that scare with Darcy. Everything has actually been great. The whole dating thing with Harry and I is great. We've been on quite a few dates. Darcy's getting better. The medicine the doctor prescribed is actually working. I got to meet Eleanor and Perrie also. I even got to have some fun with Jessi. She's actually a great friend.

There's just one thing that's so stressful. I missed my period. It was supposed to come a week and a half ago. Everybody is starting to take notice to my stress. I've been having morning sickness like crazy. My mum makes breakfast every morning, which also includes eggs. I have to pee every five minutes. My hormones are raging. One minutes I'm crying, the next I'm angry for no reason. All I want is ice cream.

Now I'm standing in front of the pharmacy I went to so long ago with Jessi by my side. It's the same pharmacy I gt the pregnancy test from four years ago. It feels like a walk down memory lane, except for the fact that Jessi is with me and not Ellie.

All this started a week and a half ago. With the first period I've missed in four years.

* * *

-A Week and a Half Ago-

My period is a day late. I was supposed to get it yesterday. But it never came. I'm freaking out. 

I never thought I'd have another baby. At least not now. Maybe later in life. 

I never thought it would be with the same person. The one who gave me so much love. The one who cheated. The one who gave me hate for so many years. The one who was my best friend so long ago. The one who caused me pain. The one that I was so in love with, still am.

I've been throwing up more. The slightest smell or sight makes me nauseous. The sight of eggs now makes me vomit. I've been craving ice cream. every single day I want a new flavor. I'm just always hungry.

Nobody has noticed. If they do notice, they haven't commented on my constant vomiting. I think they think it's best not to mention my appetite. I've been so moody. If I'm not crying over the silliest things, I'm snapping at someone. The only person who I keep my cool around is Darcy. I could never yell at her.

I was actually out with Jessi earlier today. I told her about missing my period. She started dancing. Actually dancing. She had the brightest smile on her face. Then she started going on about how she's going to spoil it. 

That's not the craziest part actually. We walked past an old lady, while we were at a park, and she just stopped us. Then she felt my stomach. She said, and I quote, he's going to look just like his mommy. I started crying and she gave me a hug.

Jessi keeps telling me to get a pregnancy test. For some reason I just can't. I feel like the first time I was pregnant. I feel scared. Even thought I've already gone trough it, I still feel that shock.


Now I'm just minutes away from finding out. 

I slowly walk in, Jessi right behind me. We walk to the aisle where the feminine things are. I grab three different brands of tests, Jessi doing the same. We go up to the cashier and he scans the the tests. I see his cheeks turn a different shade. I'd say he's only about sixteen.

"That will be ten dollars and forty cents." He says shakily. I hurriedly hand him a twenty dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I say and grab the bag. 

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now