Chapter 17

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Make sure you read the authors note at the end! :) Read on lovelies...


"What are you doing here Harry?" I ask him. He gives me a sheepish smile.

"I came to see you." He answers. "To see Darcy."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. It would have been nice for him to ring me, or even a text. It's silent for a little. I know Darcy has fallen asleep. She's limp in my arms and I can hear her steady breathing.

I finally break the silence.

"Maybe you could come back sometime next weekend?" I unlock my door and walk past him. Of course he follows me.

"What about tomorrow?" He asks. His voice is full of hope. I shake my head.

"I have work."

It's silent again. I feel like that happens way too much with us. I get a feeling what he's about to say, I won't like.

"Then me and Darcy can have a day together?" There's a feeling I have when he suggests this. It's not a good feeling either.

I walk past him to Darcy's room. Again he follows me. I set her down in her bed, leaving a kiss on her forehead. I walk past Harry again, back to living room. I remember I have to answer him.

"No." I say bluntly. He looks...hurt.

"C'mon Chastin. I think it'll be good if we bond some." He tries to reason.

"No Harry. I'm just not ready for that." I shake my head again.

I know he's her father, but I'm just not ready. You have  to be a parent for more than five minutes. He's just not ready. What if Darcy has an allergic reaction to something? What if she gets sick? what about when she gets tired, or she asks for me? Therre's just so much that could happen.

"Why can't you just let me spend a day with her?  You aren't her only parent." Harry rolls his eyes. I can tell he's getting irritated. Honestly he shouldn't be. It's my decision whether him and Darcy can spend the day together. Alone.

"What part of no do you not understand Harry." I glare at him. He isn't the only getting irritated.

"Dammit Chastin. What the fuck is your problem? It's just one day." Harry pulls on his hair. I know he does this when he gets angry.

"Don't use that language with me Harry." I point an accusing finger at him. "She's my daughter." I raise my voice. I  actually diidn't mean for that to slip out.

I see his eyes get darker. It reminds me of when he was still my bully. Harry walks up to me. I'm actually a little intimidated. I take steps back until I'm up against the door. Right now that feelings back. It's worse now, almost like I know something bad is going to happen. The thing is, Harry couldn't hurt me. We've come so far, even if we aren't together or really friends.

I can feel Harry's hot breath on my face. He smells of mint , like always. I turn my head to the side so his breath is now hitting my face. He grabs my jaw and turns my face back to him so we're looking into each others eyes. It was roughly too..

"Harry.." I whisper. That feeling is growing. Harry smirks, not a teasing smirk, or playful. But it's that smirk when he'd...hit me.

"Look Chastin, I've tried to be nice. I really have...but you make it so hard." His voice is low.

"I-" I begin to say before I'm cut off by him shaking his head.

"You don't fucking listen!" Harry snaps. His face is growing slightly red with anger. "I just don't get why everything has to be about you. I'm fucking tired of it. You always act like such a bitch." He scowls  at me. I'm at a loss for words. 

Just when I think he's going to step away, he grabs me by my hair, tightly. He begins to pull me down the hall. The tears are threatening to spill over any second. We stop in front of Darcy's room. She's still sound asleep.

Harry lowers his head to my ear. "You see that little girl. That's my daughter too." He says between clenched teeth. "Now are you going to let me have my fucking day with her?"

My mind is screaming for me to say yes. But if he's like this with me, who knows. He might snap at Darcy. I can't let that happen. So I shake my head. Now here we go with abusive Harry. I know what's coming. He throws me on the ground. I land with a loud thud. He begins kicking me in the stomach.

"You...stupid...little...bitch." He shouts between kicks. "I ask for one day! One fucking day." His face is very red now. All the green from his eyes are gone, replaced with black. 

He picks me up and throws me on the ground again. It's like I can't comprehend what's happening. It just came out of nowhere. I thought he'd never lay a hand on me like this again. But here he is kicking and punching. The tears have already shed. It seems like it'll be an endless waterfall tonight. I feel myself being lifted up by my neck. It hurts to open my eyes.

"Remember Chastin. I can make you feel worse." He drops me to the ground and walks out. I begin to sob.

I don't know how long I'm laying there for until I feel a small hand on my arm. I open my eyes and see Darcy crying. The tears are running down her face and her eyes are wide and glossy. She wraps her arms around me. I hug her back tightly even if it hurts me.

We lay there crying together. Mother and daughter. The tears we're shedding for each other haven't stopped. She's just so young, so innocent. I'll hate the day she comes to realize she has a monster for a father. The day she realizes he wasn't ever anything else.

I finally get enough strength to get up. I pick Darcy up ignoring the pain shooting through my body. I walk to my room with Darcy in my arms. I lay her in the bed, me getting in next to her. Her eyes are droopy and I know mine are too. I don't expect the next words out of her mouth.

"I never really wanted a daddy. I only want you." she says, her voice so soft. I watch her face as her eyes flutter closed. Her breathing becomes steady.

Then I realize. Almost like a wake up call. Nobody will ever come between our bond. Our mother, daughter bond. It won't ever matter if Darcy has a hundred parents. Harry can beat me a hundred times. Our bond will never be broken. 


Wow intense huh? Never expected that right? Well I wanted to change it up! I felt like the chapters were getting boring, and some of you didn't want Chastin to forgive Harry so quickly. So that happened. I also felt like it wwasn't real enough!

So I have a few questions!

1. Did you enjoy this chapter?

2. Was it interesting?

3. Rate it from 1-10

4. Was it getting boring in the earlier chapters?

So I want at least 2 comments . I'd like it if I got more!! Just saying...anyways so make it to 2 comments and you'll get an update next weeekend!! Sorry it has to be on the sucks ass! But if I don't get 2 comments with the questions answered too, I won't update. I hate to do this but I really want feedback! 

Speaking of sucking ass...HARRY IS A FUCKING DICK!! Like holy shit! And I know you guys will be like you made hiom like that, but I never expected that from myself! Did you?? I mean damn I want to fucking slap him! Who the hell does that to a chick? HARRY THAT'S WHO!! 

Well enough of my ranting. And sorry if you don't like swearing...not really because I love yeah! I want to get this off my chest! ;) hehe I'm so immature!

Please please please VOTE! COMMENT! FAN! I love all my readers!! You guys keep me going!! And do you think I should start a new fanfic?? IT HAS TO BE A HARRY ONE!! 

I L<3VE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next update my lovelies. Baiii. XOXO

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