Chapter 12

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I'm thinkin bout her every second every hour

Do my singing in the shower

Pickin petals off of flowers, like

Do she love me, do she love me not

My phone started ringing while we were outside the hotel. Just sitting in the car. Darcy is just dancing to Ariana Grande.

"Hello?" I answer my phone. I didn't bother checking the caller ID.

"Chastin?" I hear a feminine voice.

"This is she. Who's speaking?" I ask.

"Um this is Marni...I'm calling talk to you about um...Ariana Grande?" She asks more than states. Weird coincidence?

"I promise if this is a prank.." I say in a warning tone.

"No, no it's not. Well...I'm Pricilla's new...assistant." She tells me. What's with all the pausing.

Pricilla gets a new assistant all the time. It's really annoying actually. First there's the blond that knows nothing about fashion, then the ginger that's rude to everybody. That brunette that used to be a model and thinks that just because she's Pricilla's assistant she can do whatever she wants. My favorite has to be the red head that was sweet to everybody.

"What about Ariana Grande?" I ask her.

"Well...she's um...requesting for you." Marni says.

"You're serious?" I can't believe I'll get to style Ariana Grande.

"Yes. She's might be on the other...line?"

"Thanks for telling me Marni. You can connect me to her now."


A couple minutes later I hear a hello. I'm on he phone with Ariana Grande.

"Um hi this is Chastin Thompson." I say to her.

"Oh okay good. Would it be okay to schedule an appointment for maybe a week from now?" Her voice. Sweet baby Jesus.

"Yes that's totally fine." I can't help the smile that goes on my face.

"Okay thanks." The line disconnects. I'm going to style Ariana Grande.

After maybe five minutes I pen my door and walk to Darcy's side. I grab her out and then walk to the hotel lobby. I see the same girl from earlier.

"You're back!" She exclaims excitedly.

"Yeah I sort of came back to drop some news." I tell her. She looks at me intently.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She sounds sincere.

So that's what I do. I tell her everything. From five years old, to ten, to eighteen, to now. Let me tell you I feel a whole lot better.

"Wow I never would have expected. Harry Styles from One Direction has a daughter." She says non believingly. I look at Darcy who has ear buds in her ears listening to music. Thank God. 

"So that's where you're going now? To tell Darcy?" She leans her elbows on the desk. I don't know why, but I'm just so comfortable to tell her this.

"Yeah! It's just I don't know how she'll react. I mean she's never asked about him." I tell her.

"Maybe that's because she's never had a reason to ask." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Her whole life she's had you. Maybe Darcy is just happy with you." She shrugs.

"You are a smart girl." I smile at her.

"Thanks." She smiles back.

"Well I have to go and get this over with." We say our goodbyes and I'm on my way.

It feels like a ton of bricks are on my chest. It can't be possible for a person to feel so nervous. I don't even know why. It's not like he'll take her from me.

That's the thing. I don't know if he'll take her from me. I was there for her when she was sick. When she was crying because the chicken pocks wouldn't go away. When she hurt herself for the first time. I was the only one there when she was born. Nobody but me truly experienced all the aspects of her life. We have a strong connection. That's what I'm afraid of, the connection will be broken.

I make it to the door. My first daughter's life is about to change. I just don't know if it's good for her or bad. I knock on the door. It opens to reveal a shirtless Harry.

"Hey you're back." He says.

"Yeah I said I would be." I walk inside. Darcy takes the ear buds out of her ears.

"Mommy why are we back here?" She asks me. I look from her to Harry. It's funny how he never figured out she was his. They're like twins.

"I have something to tell you baby." I walk over to the couch and set down with me next to her.

"Yes mommy?" She looks up at me with her big green eyes.

Harry comes and sits on the other side of Darcy. He looks at me with a genuine smile. His eyes have a twinkle in them. There it is a again, love.

"Well baby," I pull her on my lap, "you never ask about your daddy. How come?" I look at Harry to see his smile falter a little. In his eyes are now confusion.

Darcy shrugs her shoulders. "I never thought i needed one mommy." She lays her head on my shoulder. I never in a million years would have thought she'd say that.

"Would you ever want to meet him?" I ask her. She nods her head.

"I want to know if he looks like me." She says. Before I can reply, she speaks again.

"And why he was never there." I've never met a little girl so smart.

"Do you want to meet him now?" She looks up at me. She's searching my face to see if I'm lying. Then she shrugs. I honestly thought she'd be more excited than that.

I nod over at Harry. He looks a little sad. What Darcy said couldn't have possibly made that big of an impact on him.

"Hi Darcy." He sounds nervous. She looks at him.

"Hi." She smiles at him.

"Um I'm your dad."


Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry I haven't posted in a while.

School hs been crazy. Anyways there's chapter 12. LOOKIE GUYS AT THE TRAILER!!!!!!!! Isn't it good?!

And lookie at the banner. I made it myself!!

Well sorry again for not updating!


Until next update my lovelies. Baiii. XOXO

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now