Chapter 28

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Please read the authors note at the end. It's very important.


Darcy was laying on the hospital bed currently. Harry and I were with her right now. Everybody else was in the waiting room. Liam had called my mum and dad. Niall called Louis and Zayn. Louis was already here, but Zayn was on his way.

We were still waiting for the doctor. Darcy's been coughing like crazy. It doesn't sound like an okay cough, but like a sick cough. She had thrown up some more. Her fever has intensified also.

There was a knock on the door, and a doctor stepped in.

"Hi. I'm doctor Terse." He said holding out his hand. Both Harry and I shook it.

"Says here that your daughter has a high fever, and she's been vomiting?" He asks. Harry and I nod our heads.

"When did this start?" He looks at us.

"Earlier today. We left the mall when she said her stomach was hurting. Then she got a fever, and when I went to check on her, her fever was higher." I explain to him. He nods his head.

"She might have to stay over night so we can do some tests on her. The fever is too high for it to be something like the flu." He says to us. "I'll be back to get some tests and do normal procedures." He leaves the room.

I walk over to Darcy and sit in the bed next to her. Her head falls on my chest. Harry sits on the other side of her. She starts coughing some more and I rub circles on her back.

"I don't wanna be sick mommy." Darcy sniffles.

"I know baby. We're going to get you some medicine later okay?" I kiss her forehead.

"I'm going to go get the others." I tell Harry. He nods his head.

I walk out of the room just as my stomach clenches. I rush to find the bathroom before I empty my stomach in the hall. Fortunately I find one and manage to make it to the stall. I continue to gag in the toilet when I hear the restroom door opens.

"Hey, are you okay in here?" A familiar voice asks.

"Yeah just a little si-" I start vomiting again.

When I finally stop I flush the toilet and open the stall door. I come face to face with Jessi. Her concerned face turns from concerned to surprised and back to concerned. I give her a small smile before going to rinse my mouth out.

"Oh my gosh Chastin. Are you okay? Are you sick? What are you doing here?" She asks in one breath.

"I'm fine, just been a little sick lately. Darcy has a really high fever, so we took her here?" I answer her.

"We?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Three fifths of One Direction." I say casually. She nods her head slowly.

"Is Darcy okay? Are you sure you're okay?"

I nod my head and wave her off.

"The doctor said he's going to come back and take some tests on her." I lean on the restroom wall. I look down before looking back up at her. "I might be pregnant." As soon as the words leave my mouth Jessi gasps.

"What? Is that why you were throwing up? But how do you know?" She asks with wide eyes.

"I've been getting sick lately and I've been hungry more than I usually am. I always want ice cream." I start giving her reasons. She shakes her head.

Still Into You (Sequel to Loving Him) NOT EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now