chapter 18: loved

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Three months passed. I still wasn't used to my new life. The first time I looked in the mirror, I was in shock. I stared at myself for the longest time. Dark circles were under my eyes and I was sickly pale. The purple wound in my neck seemed like it should have hurt even worse then it actually did. My lips were white. My eyes were bright green as usual but my hair was even darker then ever before.

To my surprise I was afraid of myself. I didn't look in the mirror again for a long time. The next time I did, I was in shock again. I almost became angry as I stared at Kale's arms around the beautiful creature in the mirror, until it really sunk in that it was me.

Everything was the same as the first time I looked in the mirror, except my wound was gone, there were no dark circles under my eyes, my pale skin was breath taking rather then sickly and my lips were actually red.

Jake and Shane tried to spend as much time as possible with me. But me and Kale were never too far apart from eachother. They had a hard time not flirting with me. It always ended up in a fight between the three of them.

Now that Dante was no longer a threat, Zero's clan moved back to the caves. I'm sure they were just tired of hearing us destroy our room every morning. We got a new bed, but it was pointless. It was destroyed within a day. So, only Shane, Jacob and Jared decided to stay.


"I have to go take care of something." Kale told me as we got dressed. The sun had just gone down, it was time for us to get up.

"You're leaving?" I grabbed his arm, staring at him. We hadn't really been apart since the last time he left and that was when I was still human. He shut his eyes. "Kale?"

"It's important. Don't look at me like that or I'll never be able to leave you."

"That's kind of the point." I muttered.

He grinned, grabbing my arms and easily finding my mouth with his eyes shut.

"I won't be long. Don't follow me, curious one." He pulled away.

He almost opened his eyes but changed his mind. He spun around and disappeared out the window. I was about to follow but the door opened suddenly.

"He left?!" They both asked excitedly in unison.

By this time I had gotten used to them. It seemed they had too. Best friends, practically conjoined at the hip. An impossible friendship that shouldn't have been slightly possible, but it was. I glared at both of them.

"It's not everyday he leaves!" Jacob grinned.

"You can't blame us for being excited, Jamie!" Shane spoke right after him. They knew eachother so well, it almost scared me.

"I guess not." I sighed.

"It's so strange..." Jake began.

"Very strange." Shane nodded.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow at them. They looked at eachother.

"How exactly the same you stayed after you were turned..." Jake shrugged.

"Almost like you're still human. Minus the blood and heartbeat." Shane seemed to continue Jacob's sentence.

"What exactly happened to make you two so close?" I asked, changing the subject on them. They both shrugged.

"Your fault." They said in unison.

"Always my fault." I muttered. I glared at them again. "How's it my fault?!"

"Because we both fell for you, we were forced to either become enemies or friends," Shane spoke then Jake finished;

"We figured you'd be alot more happier if we didn't kill eachother, so we agreed not to."

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