•two - r.m.•

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Week after week passed just the same as the last. Test, test, assignment, test, essay, report, test, assignment. Then it would start all over again. Riley wasn't particularly thrilled about this tight and firmly scheduled cycle.

But, as the days droned on, she found more and more time spent in the kitchen studying the lessons and today's notes. She wanted to be at least somewhat ready for the test. And every night, just before midnight, when she would stumble her way to bed, she heard arguments from her parents. In hushed tones, they complained about the things the other didn't do and criticized one another to their face.

Riley was scared. Her grades were dropping as she spent more and more time awake, trying to hear much of what her parents were saying. Even after getting into bed, she was worrying fervently for hours about what was going on. They had always loved each other, right? So what was going so wrong?

Her alarm blared out through her small room, spooking her out of her thoughts. She scrambled towards it and fell off the bed, moving back onto her feet to continue towards the loud alarm that was now beginning to jar everyone in the apartment awake. She finally managed to hit the snooze button before dragging herself over to the closet where she found her outfit of the day.

She had gotten her head through the neck of her shirt and straightened it out in the mirror when the alarm screeched through the living space once more. Riley reached out, smacking it squarely on top before jerking the plug out of the electrical socket. She huffed and plopped down onto her bed, pulling her legs into a pair of her favorite light wash jeans.

Sandals on her feet and a lacy cardigan completed the look. Riley wrangled her hair into a ponytail and sighed. It was gonna be another long day.

Her phone buzzed, and she stretched her hand out to grab it. Her face lit up noticeably when she saw who it was from. Her boyfriend, Lucas Friar.

Good morning, babe ;)

She rolled her eyes slightly, then responded.

Morning, how'd you sleep?

She smiled to herself as the bubble popped up, meaning he was writing a long paragraph probably. Or that he was just taking a really long time to write a simple sentence.

Riley skipped down the stairs, smiling fragilely as she took a single waffle and poured sugary maple syrup over top of it. She dug her fork into the side, sectioning off a couple pieces and placing them in her mouth. After a few minutes, she was finished, and drank half a glass of milk before kissing her mother on the cheek and bolting out the door.

She met her boyfriend in the front foyer and placed a quick kiss on his pale lips. He smiled and hugged her, then grabbed onto her hand as they walked towards the school. Along the way, Zay and Maya joined them and they trudged up the hill to the school.

Maya, of course, complained the whole way up. Something about no AC and how they still had ___ days left. Zay just rolled his eyes and said something about how this was nothing compared to his days back in the field working with Lucas and Pappy Joe, harvesting the corn by hand. He told how Pappy Joe didn't believe in "them newfangled machines" that could break down easier.

Riley just hummed and took long strides up the lengthy hill, stopping only to wait for Maya, who was the last of the group to make it to the top of the hill, rubbing her ankles and groaning. Zay finally picked her up, bridal-style and carried her inside. To no one's surprise, she fell asleep, snoring obnoxiously noisy.

Zay dropped her off at her locker, much to her protesting. He kissed the too of her head, Lucas "aww"ed, and Zay punched him in the shoulder. Riley pulled Lucas to their class, not stopping once. Finally, when they were safe inside, Riley put her hand over his mouth.

"Just...try not to say anything stupid, alright?" She directed him, looking into his eyes and kissing his cheek gently. He nodded, eyes glowing happily. Riley shook her head and laughed softly. She removed her hand, and Lucas started talking again.

"Alright. Sounds good. Where should we sit?" Riley widened her eyes, shocked and impressed he wasn't talking in some type of slang.

As per usual, Riley pointed towards the back of the classroom. Lucas followed obediently, and they sat down beside each other, just like they always had. It was just like the first time they had met.

The September morning was grey and depressed as it started out. Riley Matthews was found in her room as was typical for her. She finally managed, by some miracle, to get to school not looking like she was hungover, which she was. Her parents were arguing just like normal, only not in whispered tones this time. They were in the middle of the kitchen, shouting at each other in front of Riley's younger brother, Auggie. He was on the verge of tears as Riley slipped out the door, thoroughly disappointed in herself for not helping her brother understand what was going on. Unlike Riley, all he had ever known was his happy parents and now this was new and scary for him.

The rain seemed to cry down upon the small brunette as she made her miserable way to school. The hallways seemed even more drab than usual, and she squeezed out her thoroughly soaked hair onto the floor while simultaneously choosing the books she'd need for the day. A certain calm voice interrupted her angry and confused thoughts, and without thinking, she threw herself onto the person and hugged them, crying endlessly on their shoukder, whoever it was. She hoped it was at least someone she knew so that it wasn't entirely awkward when she was finally able to calm down.

The fresh scent of cologne reached her nostrils as she was nearly done crying, and she froze, pulling away from the person and wiping her eyes shamelessly. She sighed before looking up into the face of the last person she expected to see standing at her locker. Lucas Friar, a guy she hadn't talked to much at all, since he was so popular and she was, well, not. She smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, Lucas. Sorry about that."

"N-No it's fine. Here, do you want my jacket?" He asked, holding out his embroidered varsity sweatshirt. Riley shrugged him off, but eventually gave in.

They had walked to class together, and then Lucas asked her to the Halloween dance the next week. She said yes, and it just got better from there.


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