•twelve - r.m.•

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As soon as Farkle dropped Riley off, she ran to her apartment, not stopping for anything. She grabbed her key out and unlocked the door before slipping inside and shutting it behind her.

The lights glowed dimly in the small kitchen, but Riley shrugged and headed off to bed. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop thinking about Farkle. Every fleeting thought, every time she turned a corner, a picture popped up in her mind of Farkle Minkus, the guy that drove her insane. But strangely, it was in a good way.

Riley hopped up the few stairs to her room an sat down on the bed, watching the moonlight stream through her light blue curtains. She sighed, picking up her phone and scrolling through the messages. None from her mother, no surprise there, and a few from Maya and one from Lucas.

Curious, she opened the single message. What it said shocked her and struck her sadly.

Riles, my grandma died. I was looking for someone to comfort me, but all my other friends are too busy. I knew you would understand. I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. I was thinking, maybe we could get back together? And if not, well, could we at least still be friends?

Riley sat still on the edge of her bed, shell-shocked. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open. She smiled softly, and touched the side of her phone. She sent a quick reply, then headed off to change into pajamas.

I think it would be best if we didn't get back together again, Lucas. But always know that I will be here if you need me. :)

She washed her face, threw her hair into a messy ponytail, and tucked herself under the covers. After checking her phone one last time, she slipped off to sleep.

                                          ~   ~   ~

The sun shone right into Riley Matthews' bright eyes as it rose over the tops of skyscrapers. Riley was overly excited this morning, of course she had just spent several hours with Farkle, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that yet.

She slid out of bed and put on her slippers, pulling her covers up to the pillows and straightening the blankets a little. Perfect. Grabbing a baby pink crop top and high-waisted jeans, she hummed softly as she made her way to her bathroom. She shut the door and locked it, before turning to herself in the mirror. There were light bags under her eyes, and she rubbed her eyes dolefully.

Not today. It was gonna be a good day.

Turning on the warm water and stepping back, Riley took off her pajamas and released her hair out of the ponytail it was half-in. Testing the water, she pulled the shower curtain back and stepped into the the hot jet streaming from the shower head. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of steam.

Grabbing the shampoo, the rinsed out all of the salty residue of last night's beach adventure. She smiled as the warm water poured over her forehead. It was so relaxing.

After putting conditioner in her hair and rinsing it, she washed her face and lathered herself in body wash, watching as the bubbles swirled down the drain.

Riley made her way out and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She dried her hair and wrapped it in the towel, then got dressed slowly. Makeup, then she braided her hair down one side of her face. Taking her time, she waltzed back into her room and found a pair of socks in her drawer. They were mismatched, her favorite.

Her phone ping!ed and she snatched it off of the counter, looking it over. It was a text, from Farkle. Her face lit up as she read the few words.

Hey, since you don't have work until 3, do you wanna go out for lunch?

She blushed a little, then typed the question on her mind.

Farks, is this a date? ;)

Riley smiled to herself and pulled on her ankle boots, putting in earrings and looking at her reflection in the mirror. Good enough.

Her phone buzzed, and she read the text giddily.

Maybe. ;) I'll pick you up in five, alright?

His text read, making her smile widen from ear to ear.


She responded quickly, then checked the time. 11:30, he would be here in just a few minutes.

Riley grabbed her purse and put her phone inside, along with a few other things. She clasped a necklace around her neck and touched up her lipgloss.

The doorbell rang just as she stood before it, and she smirked. She was going on a date with Farkle Minkus. Or, at least, that was what he had said.

He held out his arm for her, and she grasped onto it lightly. This was adorable, coming from him. She would have never expected this level of gentlemanliness from Farkle. Up until today, they had just been friends, almost acquaintances.

He walked her to his car and she got in, shutting the door behind her. He got in and grinned over at her. She noticed his outfit: a light blue button-up, sleeves rolled to his elbows; some khakis; and leather boots. He had a nice watch on, and he spoke softly:

"You look really nice, Riles. Let's go." She blushed lightly as he pulled out if the parking lot, towards their destination.

As it turned out, the spot they were going to was a quaint little Italian restaurant just outside of town. It was strung up with beautiful lights, and Riley grinned as Farkle opened the door for her.

Soft music played inside, while well-dressed waiters bustled around to serve the nicely-accessorized couples and families. Riley looked around in wonder, and Farkle just smiled slyly at her.

They got a table, and Farkle ordered some bread with olive oil. Then the waiter asked for drinks, and Riley ordered a water, Farkle
a Sprite. Riley winked at Farkle, and he started the conversation.

"So, I brought you here for a reason." Farkle declares, a little embarrassed.

"Well, duh." Riley remarks, thoroughly amused by how shy he is all of the sudden.

"Here, first I wanted to give you these." He pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "I picked them up for you."

It was a huge bouquet of multi-colored roses, and Riley's face brightened noticeably, her hands clapping over her mouth in surprise.

"Oh my gosh, Farkle! Thank you so much!!" Riley leans over and kisses him on the cheek, making him blush feverishly.

Farkle swallows. Then slowly, he smiles.

"Riley, I–"




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