•three - f.m.•

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It was a blustery cold day in March when Farkle found his best friend and girlfriend making out behind the school. Charlie begged for forgiveness, Smackle shrugged and resumed cradling Charlie's face in her hands while she kissed his neck and face. When their lips found each other again, Farkle walked away from the first girl he had ever liked.

The frigid day provided no comfort for his recent wound, instead reminding him more of days like this he had spent, body splayed across Smackle's as they cuddled in front of a fireplace. Nights like those had managed to take his mind off of things, distracting him as Farkle's father feared they would.

Thinking of that one memory led to so many more. As painful as they were, it was better if he got over them now rather than later.

An October night baking failed cupcakes and laughing so hard it hurt while watching Psych.

Memorizing the periodic table every day for the first week of 10th grade.

Losing to her in a game of Scrabble ("this game is so easy I could play with my eyes shut"). And she had, still beating Farkle by a mile.

Going to the homecoming game and kissing under the stars when their team won.

Farkle receiving outstanding scores on his ACT only to find Smackle had done just a bit better.

The last one that came to mind was the time they had passed the pet store. There were 10 terrier puppies in the window, barking happily and rolling over to get attention. Smackle had picked one out for Farkle and gave it to him, tying a small teal bow around the small dog's head.

Farkle still had her. Daisy was her name, and every time he saw her now, it was a painful reminder of Smackle and what she had done.
It was another couple months or so until finals, but Farkle had already been studying for weeks. Every book was searched thoroughly for every answer he could possibly want. If he wasn't studying, he was sleeping. Which was not often.

Most nights he only got four or five hours of sleep, if he was lucky. That left drowsy days and missed classes, only to be made up by another intense night of studies. The cycle kept going, and the thin boy was fading into clinical depression.

Then came the day his dad found out. He almost didn't make it out alive.

                               *  *  *

Wandering aimlessly through town, he found an old carnival. Curious, he squeezed through the wrought iron gate and snuck in. The rides were mostly close to new, and a crumbling poster told of fortune-tellers and gaping circuses.

Another newer paper announced the re-opening of the towns carnival. In two months. Not soon, so why the prompt announcement? He glanced around the park once more, and disappeared into the ash-white night.

Walking into his house a half hour later, Farkle grabbed a slice of cold pizza from the fridge and tromped upstairs. The plush carpet brought him out of his senses as he finally made it to his room and plopped back onto the bed.

It had been almost too long since Farkle had done anything even remotely sociable. Ever since him and Smackle broke up around two weeks ago, he hadn't been going to parties with her, and there was no way he was hanging out with Charlie after he caught him cheating with his girlfriend.

And, to be honest, he didn't have many other friends. There were a few people that he hung out with occasionally, but it wasn't a strong enough relationship to call them friends.

The last thing he thought of before he drifted off to sleep was a certain brunette girl who sat next to him in English. She was...different, but in a good way. She was cute, sure, but he didn't know her. What was her name? Oh, Riley Matthews....


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