•ten - r.m.•

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It was a dark night. The stars shine through like pockets of light in a dark ocean of sky. Riley stared up at the bright moon just as Farkle approached her for the third time that week. They had grown to know each other much better than a couple of weeks before, and Riley had developed a care for Farkle.

They knew each other's pains, they understood one another. And after only a week or so, they trusted each other. They were the people they had to rely on.

Riley was home alone most days, until she went and worked at the carnival. She loved those nights, the times she spent out in the cool summer air, watching as children watched the bright lights and rides in wonder, begging their parents to let them try. Balloons decorated most booths, cotton candy in another. The whole thing seemed almost magical.

Farkle came because if he was home, his father was pressuring him into buying Minkus International. That, or beating and abusing him until Farkle hardly believed his "father" loved him at all.

The smell of cotton candy punctured the smooth evening air, and Riley inhaled deeply. "Hey, Farks." She mumbled, taking in the sugary scent gratefully. She hadn't eaten since her break at 3, and it was nearing 9 now.

"Riles!" He exclaimed, burying her in his arms with a tight but wonderfully warm hug. Riley smiled against his chest, and wrapped her own arms around his torso before pushing him away playfully.

"Geez, don't suffocate me, idiot." She remarked, running a hand through her hair and laughing at Farkle's feigned hurt look. "So what's up for tonight, Squeak?" She smiled softly at the nickname he had hated from middle school. That, along with a whole lot of other embarrassing memories, had come up in their nightly talks.

"Well, you've got a few more hours till you get off of work, right?" He asked, eyeing her with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes, pushing him. "Stop that." She said playfully, then took a deep breath. "Yeah, I've got a while. Wanna talk again?" She asked, biting her lip and shivering against a chilly breeze.

"Alright, for tonight, we have a drama..." Farkle set the stage with an exaggerated imitation of a horror movie narrator. "The courtship of young Farkle Minkus and a certain Ms. Smackle."

"Oh dear, here we go again with the theatrics." Riley fake-groaned, giggling when she saw Farkle's unamused face.

"It was a dark and stormy night," he began, leading Riley to sigh loudly. "Fine, fine," Farkle relents, looking towards her as if she's asking too much. "It was a long day back in eighth grade." He fake-gags, probably imagining himself in his earlier, not-so-glory days. "Isadora was the prettiest girl in the school. She would never notice me, unless she was beating me in a competition of some sort. Finally, that day after school, she pushed me up against a locker and kissed me. I was so happy, I was blinded by joy. We started dating the next week, and only broke up in the middle of last school year, when I found her making out with my best friend, Charlie. We had quite a lot of memories, it hurt a lot. But after a while, I got over it, I guess it just wasn't as important anymore. Besides, talking to you is more important at this point. I mean, we're good enough friends and I mean you're way better than my dad, so..." Farkle trails off and looks over at Riley, who's blushing slightly, hoping the darkness will cover her red face.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I was dating this guy named Lucas..."

"Wait wait. You were dating Friar?" Farkle asks, incredulous.

"....Yes." Riley replies, smiling a little.

"Wha–Okay. Continue." Farkle complies, shaking his head.

"So anyway, we went out for a while, then one day he wanted to–you know, and I wasn't ready for that. So I told him, screw off." Riley grins to herself as she watches Farkle's reaction.


"No, Dipstick. I'm joking. He just broke it off one day." Riley was nearly in tears, she was laughing so hard.

"You don't seem too torn apart."

"Yeah, well, I got you."

~ ~ ~

Finally, the time hit 11 o'clock, and everyone was off for the night.

"Alright, c'mon Sleepyhead." Farkle picked Riley up and took her to his car.

"Where are we going? And I'm not that tired, Farks. It's not even midnight." Riley shot back, but she snuggled into his side anyway.

"Good. Cuz we're goin' to the beach." He dumped her into the front passenger seat and got into his own side, starting the car and driving onto the highway.

"What am I gonna wear?" Riley asked, then her eyes widened as she realized what he might be intending to do. Farkle noticed and reassured her.

"Riles, I know what you're thinking and that's not happening. I got you a swimsuit, early birthday present." He handed her a bag from the backseat and she opened it up. Inside was a mint green tankini top with small daisies on it, along with black bottoms. She smiled widely and hugged Farkle from across the center console.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Riley chirped, her grin widening when Farkle hugged back. "Wait. How did you know my size?" She asked, checking the tag.

"Wild guess?" Farkle said shyly, smiling a little.

"Alright, let's get going!" Riley replied, jumping a bit in her seat. "I wanna try this swimsuit out!!"


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