●eighteen - r.m.●

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Farkle Minkus was Pluto.

Riley didn't know how exactly she had come to that conclusion. But she knew that he had always been there, just a little ignored, a little ways out of the picture. But if there was one thing Riley Matthews had always appreciated about science and the stars, was that scientists were more than willing to give second chances when it came to Pluto. And she was too.

She hadn't always wondered about Farkle. In fact, he'd been off of her radar for most of her life. Always a little past her peripheral, always waiting in the shadows, and waiting for his chance. And now, Riley was there, and ready for him. Nothing like realizing all these feelings while on a cross-country road trip with the person they applied to.

"So what's our next stop, Ms. Matthews?" Farkle asked, smirking at her. She blushed, for little reason other than how beautiful he looked with his one eyebrow raised and his face set in that mischievous grin. She zipped up her suitcase and plopped onto the bed beside it, looking up at him. 

"I'm not sure. Apparently there's a beautiful planetarium in Philly...I mean, if you want to go, we don't have to," She grinned hopefully anyway, and he walked over and took her hands in his. 

"You mean, yet another opportunity to see my favorite planets, and this time, with my favorite girl? What kind of an idiot would pass that up? Not me, that's for sure," He winked at her, and pulled her up off the bed and into a hug. She nestled her head against his chest and squeezed him a little tighter. 

"I love you, Farkle," She mumbled into his shirt softly. He froze, his hands on her back, his face quickly flooding with red. 

"You...what?" He asked, holding her back by her shoulders and looking into her eyes. Or, trying, since she was looking at her feet, biting her lip nervously.

"I just said...I'm really hungry. We should go get some breakfast before we have to leave, c'mon," She grabbed his hand before he could ask anymore questions and led him downstairs to the breakfast buffet. She grabbed a blueberry muffin and a few orange slices and sat down. Farkle followed a few moments later with pancakes, sausage, and two glasses of apple juice. He slid one to her across the table and she caught it, taking a small sip. "Best. Road Trip. Ever." She giggled, looking at him. He smiled faintly.

"Definitely," He replied, taking a bite of pancakes and not meeting her eyes. She watched him, grinning as she watched a blush spread across his cheeks.

"Hey, Farkley, I'm really glad I met you. Ever since I did, something in my life has finally felt right. I was so worried, with my parents' divorce, that things would never be the same, that I'd be lost. But with you, I feel like I'm finally okay." She bit down on her lips nervously, and took another bite of her food.

"Riles, you have no idea how much you mean to me. You're incredible, you make all the bad in my life seem like nothing. You gave me the courage to stand up to my father, and you make me stronger. And Riley, I l-"

"Excuse me," one of the cooks approached our table. "The buffet closes in five minutes. You're welcome to take food with you, but we're going to need you to leave."

"You've got to be kidding me. I swear everyone here has the worst timing in the world," Riley giggled, looking at Farkle and grabbing his hand. "What were you gonna say, babe?" Her face flushed. "I mean-I...um,"

"Babe?" He looked at her, giving a smirk that only made her blush harder. She turned away from him, but he grabbed her hand and spun her until she was up close. "Did the Riley Matthews just call me 'babe'?" He asked, looking into her eyes and giving her an intense look.

"I didn't say anything," She denied, slipping out of his arms and running towards the stairs, trying to make it to her room before he could get to her. He sprinted after her, catching her halfway up the stairs and sweeping her off of her feet. His fingers brushed the skin where her shirt had rode up, and her eyes widened. She swallowed and tried to avoid his gaze, but instead ended up reaching up and kissing his cheek. His face flushed, and he set her down.

"We -ahem- should probably get going," He finished, leading the way and opening the door for her.

"I-Yeah," she conceded, following him with a small smile on her face. 

This boy didn't know it yet, but she was head over heels in love with him.

The walk to their room was filled with teasing, and eventually, Farkle lifting Riley up onto his back and running down the hall, ecstatic giggles erupting from her the whole way down.

"You're adorable when you laugh, you know that?" He turned around to tell her as they stopped at their room. She slid off of his back and took his face in her hands, kissing him softly. 

"I know," she teased, slipping past him and into the room. He just looked after her in awe. She did something to him, and he liked it. A lot. 


Hope you guys all enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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