•four - r.m.•

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It was Friday night, and Maya was helping Riley get ready for a date with Lucas. She was in a light pink dress that looked absolutely adorable on her, and she was thoroughly excited. Lucas had invited her to one of his jock parties, since their football team had won one of the last games of the season.

She was more than ecstatic as Maya applied just the right amount of mascara and nearly flawless eyeliner and held her arms out

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She was more than ecstatic as Maya applied just the right amount of mascara and nearly flawless eyeliner and held her arms out. Riley almost tripped over her own two feet, now slipped into silvery heels, but Maya caught her, holding her up. Riley smiled and Maya pretended to wipe away a fake tear.

"It's okay Maya, don't cry!" Riley exclaimed, her gullible side kicking in for a second before she giggled fluidly.

"Riles, sometimes you crack me up. I was kidding. Anyway, have fun. Be safe, don't do drugs, and stay away from the dumber jocks." Riley laughed along with her best friend, hugged her, then heard the doorbell ring. She squealed, snatching her purse off of the nightstand and pulling her jacket on. She met Lucas at the door, kissed his cheek softly, and flashed Maya a thumbs up before running out the door into the night.

Riley knew she was lucky. Her boyfriend was the hottest guy in school, the all-star of the football team, and super sweet otherwise. He always treated her like she was the only girl in the world, and never let her feel lonely.

He wasn't dumb either, he knew stuff. Riley had to help him with homework sometimes, but she supposed that was typical. Most guys didn't know much but could still get themselves out of any situation. Except Farkle, in her English class. He seemed to know quite a bit, and was rumored to have gotten a 35 on his ACT.

Their car pulled up to Tyler Simmon's house and Riley hopped out, anxiously looping her arm through Lucas's while they shambled up the front steps comfortably. Lucas knew his way around, and Riley trusted him. The house smelled like sweaty bodies and stale perfume. It worried Riley, but she followed Lucas anyway.

He led her into the basement, where people crowded together, swaying slowly to the music playing. He held his arm out cautiously, gesturing for Riley to put her hand in his. Her arm went up around his neck, and his opposite arm cradled her slender waist. She glanced up into his eyes nervously, and he smiled back encouragingly.

As time passed, her and Lucas got closer and closer together. Chest against his, she closed her eyes and lived in the moment. Then their hips pressed against each other's and Riley's breath hitched in her throat. Lucas smiled awkwardly. This was new for them.

Soon, she leaned her head against his shoulder, letting him guide her across the cement floor gently. She swayed still, focusing on the sound of his heartbeat in her ear and the music drowning out self-control and common sense. Her lips found his in the fun lighting of the room, and he pressed against her, tightening his grip on her. She put her hand to his neck and he shivered, her other hand twisting its way into Lucas's sandy blonde hair.

He gulped nervously and let his hands go to her hips, back and forth slowly as they kissed again and again. Riley felt nothing and she went numb to his touches. She fell back onto the couch, accidentally pulling Lucas on top of her so that they were nose to nose, not caring who saw.

Lucas kissed her like he needed her oxygen to breath for real. When he pulled back, she bit on the side of her lip and laughed giddily. What was he doing to her? Her feelings were on overdrive, but she didn't want it to end. She pulled him down to her again, brushing her lips with his in a tempting gesture.

Riley was about to go further, but she smelled something unfamiliar, and someone shouted,"Cops!" Lucas scrambled off of her, pulling her by the wrist up the stairs. She looked around confusedly then kept running.

When Lucas reached the top stair, he turned to her. "Don't run. If you run, you look guilty. Walk calmly out to our car, got it?" Then he gave an embarrassed look and took his thumb, wiping off some of her lipgloss that had smudged onto the side of her face. 

Riley nodded bravely, weaving her way through the people after him. They reached the front door and Lucas whipped it open, Riley in tow. They got to the car casually, and got inside.

Lucas sighed, smacking his forehead loudly. "Sorry, I–that was a dumb idea. That happens all the time, but honestly, I just shouldn't be hanging out with those kind of people."

"You know I don't think that, right?" Riley defended quietly. "You should hang out with whoever it makes you happy to be around."

"Thanks, Riley." Lucas said, then rubbed his hand through his hair. "Well, I guess I should take you home now."

"Nah, I got until 10:30," she boasted, before looking at the clock. "IT'S ELEVEN?!" She shouted, nearly jumping and hitting her head on the roof of the car.

"Alright then, Princess, let's go." Lucas chuckled, pulling away into the night.

A half hour laterC they arrived at Riley's apartment building, Lucas following her up the cement steps to the old establishment.

"So this is it, huh?" He asked, and Riley grabbed him in a hug, then disappeared inside. Lucas sighed, then laughed slowly. "That girl is something else," he muttered before turning and reluctantly returning home.

Riley got to her room and collapsed on her bed, giggling happily. Maya sat patiently on the bag window, waiting for an explanation.
"Maya, he's just too sweet. And, such a good kisser." She added, teasing Maya and making her curious once more.

Well, neither slept at all that night.


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