•seventeen - f.m.•

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Riley's driving now, and Farkle can't help but stare at her in the dim morning light. Her head is bobbing softly along to the music, and there's still a trace of a blush on her cheeks. She's gorgeous. There's nothing Farkle can do but look at her with immense longing and hope she's still thinking of him, wanting him too.

It's another hour, then they've crossed into New Jersey. "Farkle, I've always wanted to go to Atlantic City, what do you think?" She asks, looking over at him long enough to see the huge smile on his face. 

"Of course, Riles. Anything you want to do. As long as I'm with you, then I'm happy." 

"I-Okay." Riley doesn't exactly know what to say, and she's blushing madly.

They drive for another while until they reach Atlantic City, and the sky is split with lightning. It catches Riley with it's electric beauty, and Farkle's transfixed on her. The way she looks at the sky with wonder.

Farkle gets out even though it's pouring, and opens Riley's door for her and smiles at her. She grins back, and the two of them are captivated in each others' gaze. It's the most beautiful thing Farkle's ever seen when Riley's eyes light up with love when she looks at him. He can't believe he's lucky enough to have her, and he knows he could still lose her. 

He checks them into a hotel, and watches as Riley looks around in shock at the elegant paintings on the wall and the soaring ceilings decorated with glass chandeliers. She strides up the stairs, touching the delicate patterns around her on the walls and beams lightly at each embroidered flower on the intricate carpets. When Farkle takes her to her room, she jumps onto the bed with a flourish and rolls around, laughing uncontrollably. 

Farkle tackles her, kissing her on the nose and then holding her close to him. They snuggle against each other, watching the rain outside and whispering stories to one another until it's past time for dinner.

"Do you want to order in?" Riley asked, but Farkle shook his head. 

"It's our night in this city. Come on, I'm sure we can find some amazing food here. What are you in the mood for?" He asked, curious of her answer.

"I'm up for anything really, I'm so hungry and I'm not picky." Farkle nodded and grabbed his coat, then stood up, helping Riley off of the bed and hugging her tenderly.

He brings her to the car, opening her door for her and getting in himself. They drive around until Riley sees a place she likes the look of. Imperial Inn, the sign reads, and Riley squeals excitedly. "This looks amazing!" She exclaims, pulling Farkle towards the entrance and tumbling inside. 

The entire building is full of happy energy, and Farkle gets to the front counter, flashing a smile at the lady behind the counter, even though she's obviously at least thirty. "Hey, can we get a table for two, please?" He asks sweetly, a huge simpering grin on his face.

"Right away," She replies, leading us to a table near the windows and handing each of us a menu and a glass. "What can I get for you for beverages?" She queries, pulling out a small notepad from her back pocket and a pen.

"I'll have a sparkling lemonade." Riley tells her, taking Farkle's hand and readjusting her place settings.

"And I'll have a water, please." Farkle responds, smiling at her again. She bustles away from their table and back to the kitchens. "So what do you want, Riles?"

"The guy I'm here with to stop drooling over the waitress that is A) too old for him and B) not me!" She replies, glaring him down and raising her eyebrows.

"Alright, alright, fine." Farkle says back, laughing just a little. "I wasn't trying to anyway."

"I want the Chicken Chow Mein. What about you?" She changes the subject, refusing to keep going with this conversation.

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