•seven - f.m.•

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It was a typical Friday night. At least for Farkle it was. He was sitting on his bed, per usual, when the doorbell rang. He jumped up to answer it, moving slowly on the way there. It probably rang six or seven more times before he arrived at the door. 

He opened it, only to find Charlie Gardner. 

"No, Charlie." Farkle deadpanned, looking him in the eyes with a sense of loathing. Surprisingly, Smackle was not by his side. 

"You didn't even let me talk, Minkus." Charlie replied, looking him over with distaste.

"I don't care. Whatever it is you want, I said no. Goodnight." He started to shut the door again, but Charlie caught it with his foot. Farkle's facial expression hardened. 

"I want to invite you to a party." Charlie offered, holding a hand out. "Why can't it be like old times? We used to be good friends, Farkle. What happened?"

"You stole my girlfriend." Farkle hissed through clenched teeth. "Speaking of which, where is she?" He asked, mild satisfaction crossing his features.

"She's...she left me about a month after you broke up with her. It's okay though, I knew the guy well enough. I didn't much care. She wouldn't sleep with me anyway." Farkle's grip on the door tightened, and he glared Charlie down. 

"Of course she wouldn't. She'd never sleep with a piece of garbage like you. She'd get all kinds of STDs." Farkle chuckled to himself, and began slipping the door shut again.

"No. Come to the party. I'm all by myself, besides, I bet you haven't done anything since your girl left you, huh?" Farkle shook his head shamefully.

"No, I haven't. Fine. Let me get my coat. You can sit down, if you'd like." Charlie nodded, and took a seat.

Farkle ran up to his room and changed quickly. He put on one of his Marina & the Diamonds t-shirts, along with his Polaroid sweatshirt. He slipped a leather jacket over top, and sprayed a little cologne on. He shook his head at his reflection, then headed out.

The ride downtown was easy, it was the traffic that killed them. It was nearly 10 by the time they reached the party, and Charlie headed straight for the drinks as soon as they got there. Farkle shook his head and sat down on the couch, already half-occupied by a couple that was...getting busy. 

He looked the other way, only to find a short girl with ebony hair and icy blue eyes. He took a deep breath as she stared him down.

"Hey, handsome." She called out as she sat on the arm of the couch. "What are you doing here all by yourself?" She asked. 

"I-My girlfriend left me a while back, and I'm not alone, actually. I'm with a friend of mine, the one that cheated with my girlfriend, sadly." He smiled at her nervously. "Why?"

"Oh, just wondering if you wanted to have a bit more fun than just sitting on the couch, alone. It's alright though, if you don't want to. The name's Charlotte, by the way. Come on." She led Farkle by the wrist into the kitchen, where she finally convinced him to consume a single shot of liquor. The strange liquid sent shivers through his whole body, but he felt all the worry of the last week or so melt away, replaced by a warm feeling in his stomach.

"This is pretty fun." Farkle admitted, putting a hand to his neck. But Charlotte just laughed lightly, and took his hand in her own. It sent a strange feeling through him, and he smiled at her.

"Oh, honey. This wasn't what I was talking about." She led him upstairs, giggling strangely the whole way there. Farkle had a bad feeling about this, but now was not a time for logical thinking.

"What are you talking about?" Farkle asked, closing his eyes and letting her take him wherever.

"You'll see." She simply replied, then stopped suddenly. Farkle went crashing into her, his body pressing against hers.

She opened the door that stood in front of them, and pushed him inside, following suit. Farkle scanned the room, finding a bed, a desk, and a chair. A lamp decorated a corner of the room, unused.

Farkle pulled his jacket off while she shut the door suspiciously. He smiled and went along with it, fully feeling like he could trust this girl. She walked towards him, a grin on her face that couldn't be beat.

She put her hand behind his neck and pulled his face to hers, kissing his lips ever so slightly. Farkle liked it, a lot actually, and it sent a shock through his entire body. She pulled him tighter in, pressing herself up against him, then backing away slowly. Each time, Farkle wanted to hold her against him, feeling the ebb and flow of movement against him.

Soon enough, her back was towards the bed, and she fell onto it gasping when Farkle's body landed on hers. She pulled his shirt off, tossing it off the side, and pulling him closer to her. She kissed his lips gently and sweetly, letting her tongue slip out just enough to touch his lip. He smiled goofily, and she moved in closer. 

Her hips pressed on his as they held each other tighter than before. Farkle was so entranced by this girl he had just met. She started to tug at her shirt, pulling it over her head, when Farkle felt some kind of feeling. It started out just above his waistline, and slowly went downward. He felt the weirdest sensation, then he moved Charlotte away from him. She paused only for a second, before starting to strip off her thin leggings. 

Farkle backed away slowly. This feeling made him slightly uncomfortable, and he knew exactly why. He didn't want this. Not here, not now. He found his shirt from the floor and managed to get it over his head before snatching his jacket and bolting out the door. Charlotte whined from somewhere inside the maze of rooms, most occupied by couples making out or doing the deed. 

He tripped down the last set of steps, setting foot on solid ground. He spotted Charlie, looking thoroughly drunk, just across the room. He went to him like a magnet, and pulled him up from the ground. 

"Come on, Charlie, we need to go now." Farkle eased him up, letting Charlie lean on him, then walked to the front door. He tossed Charlie's jacket over his shoulder and made his way out into the warm night. Charlie finally stood on his own two feet, and they made their way to his car.

Farkle drove quickly, but not fast enough to arise suspicion. He got Charlie to his house, setting him on a guest bed and then getting to his own room. It had been a long night, and he still felt stiff from his encounter with that Charlotte girl. Geez, he had almost lost his virginity to a girl he barely knew. 

His eyelids dropped slowly as he faded off into a dream. 

Well, this was interesting.


No, Farkle's not going to end up with Charlotte. He's not even going to see her again. Don't worry about it.




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