•cover contest•

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Hey guys! Alli here. Anyway, so I wanted to have a cover contest because why not?
So you can make a cover for any of my books, and to win for I Need You or Made For You, you gotta make covers for both of them, preferably ones that match.
So there aren't really any rules just be creative and have fun!

You can either post it in a cover book/other book and tag me or you can just PM the cover straight to me!
There is no maximum to the amount of entries, but I would ask that you try and keep it under five per day. THANK YOU!

So the top three covers that I absolutely love for each of my books(if I get that many) will receive prizes according to below-

FIRST PLACE PRIZE - Follow, Comments on every chapter of all books, votes on any chapters of a novel, and a shout out on my page.

SECOND PLACE PRIZE - Follow, Votes OR Comments on every chapter of any one novel, and a shout out on my page.

THIRD PLACE PRIZE - Follow, 5 votes on whichever books you choose, and a shout out on my page.

Must be done by July 20th at the latest, DM if you need an extension.

That's all! Everyone else who participates will get a chapter dedicated to them!

Good luck, have fun, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


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