•eleven - f.m.•

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The moon glances off of Farkle's eyes as he drives slowly down the long road. Riley giggles emphatically as she tells Farkle about days when she was a little kid, going on day-trips to the beach.

Finally, they pull down the final road to the beach. Riley hops out, swimsuit in tow, and runs towards a small bathroom just off the coast. She slips inside and changes, then comes out, showcasing the new item of clothing. Farkle claps, grinning, and Riley runs over to him, jumping up into his arms. He twirls her a little, then bolts to change into his own swimsuit.

He comes out a couple of moments later, his palm-tree shorts glowing oddly in the dusky night. His chest was bare, and Riley smiled. He wasn't too bad to look at, after all. He grabbed two towels out of the back of his car and set them down out of reach of the tide, which was steadily ebbing.

They out down the rest of their belongings and headed out into the surf. Farkle smiled as Riley went deeper and deeper, then splashed him with vigor. He cupped some water right back at her, making her squeal a little, then she ran at him, pushing him over into the water. He resurfaced, pulling her under with him, holding her body against his own. He popped back up, allowing her to get air, then let go of her, staring up at the night sky.

The stars were extra bright tonight, and Farkle sighed contentedly. He was here, with his best friend, sharing this gorgeous night. He stood up and lifted Riley into the air, dropping her back down into the water with a loud slap! of her legs against the surface. She screamed, then shut her mouth as she went under, thrashing a little. She came back up again, smiling broadly and pushing her hair out of her eyes.

"You're gonna get it now, Minkus." Riley glides towards him through the water, jumping on his back and trying to pull him over. He uses her momentum against her, then lets go. She screams as she flounders to stay upright. Farkle laughs, and she shakes her head, pouting a little. "Screw you." She says quickly, before stroking away from him.

"Hey, Riles....C'mon, don't be like that." Farkle protests, scanning her face to see if she's joking or not. Her disgruntled features remain, but her eyes glimmer a little. "Riley, you okay?" The skinny boy asks, making his way over to her. A tear drips from one corner of her eye, and Farkle frowns. "Hey..." He touches her elbow with his hand, and shakes his head.

"Gotcha!" Riley squeals, kicking the backs of his knees and sending him flying. She runs away as quickly as she can in the pushing current. Farkle gets back up and grabs her around the waist, sending her crashing on top of him. Her face reddens, and she fights to stay above water, but Farkle isn't having it. He grins mischievously and pulls her under, submerging her hair. She resurfaces and swims away from him, huffing and blowing ocean water from her mouth and lips.

Farkle swallows, slowly looking her over. And for a second, in the dim moonlight, she's beautiful to him, for the first time. He blushes and sinks slowly to his knees, letting the chilly current wash over him. He feels the heat in his face subside, and decides to poke his head above water, wiping the salty liquid from his eyes.

Riley's grinning fragilely at him, and he smirks back, kicking his way to her and tazing her. Her eyes widen, and she shrieks, wrapping her arms around Farkle's neck. He picks her up and her legs somehow make their way around his hips. He bites his lip, and she licks her own. Farkle takes a deep breath and goes for it. "Riley, you're one of the most amazing girls I've ever met. I can't believe I have such a spectacular friend like you. Thank you so much for being here for me.

"Wow. Thank you Farkle. I know I can trust you, too." Riley's grinning wildly again, a pink blush making it's way across her cheeks. She nuzzles her head under his chin, letting the tight hug warm the both of them. Her swimsuit sticks to her, and she lets go of Farkle's neck, slipping down to her own two feet. Some seaweed brushes against her leg, and she squirms, a small yelp escaping her lips.

Farkle's laughing and she glares him down, tazing him softly just like he did only moments before. "Shh, Mister, or you'll be in trouble." Riley warns, shaking a finger at him and giggling a little. He groans jokingly, and she sticks her tongue out at him.

"Alright, alright, I'll behave." Farkle complies, folding his arms across his bare chest and checking her out.

Riley flushes. "Farkle!" She complains, her eyes widening, as she watches his eyes travel her body.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"Stop–Stop whatever that is that you're doing, right now, that's making me blush." She looks at her feet and shakes her head.

"Fine, fine." Farkle says. "But can you cuddle against me again? I'm cold." She jumps into his arms again, snuggling against his bare skin, which is warm and soft to the touch. Her eyelashes brush against his shoulder, and he shivers. Butterfly kisses, he recalls them being named. He blushes, wishing he could kiss Riley right here, right now, while it's still dark and the moon is still glowing, and they're alone.

A shooting star flits past, flashing momentarily and disappearing into who knows where. Riley grins, remembering astronomy classes and constellations pointed out during her nights with Farkle. Memories of the two of them play through her mind, sending her sleeping gently. It's nearing 2am now, and the very first reaches of dawn are evident on the dark blue sky.

Riley stirs ever so slightly, and Farkle kisses her forehead softly, not more than a brush of his lips against the skin there. He smiles knowingly, and carries her to his car, wrapping her towel around her and buckling her in.

The ride to her house is silent, and Farkle can't help but stare across at her while she sleeps. For once, her face isn't contorted with anger, confusion, or sarcasm, and he sees a small pattern of freckles across her nose.

He keeps driving, not caring where they are, just wanting to get her home safely and soon. Finally, they arrive, and he's almost broken that it has to end so soon. He licks his lips and swallows, getting out and unbuckling her seat. She stirs again, and he shakes her softly.

"Riles, you're home. I can't carry you inside. Your mom would kill me." He hands her the bag stuffed with her dry clothes, cradles her gingerly in his arms to hug her again, then say his goodnights and watches her walk away. He sighs, leaning against his car and waiting until her bedroom light comes on before getting back into his car and driving away.


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