Cinderella (Spy)

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+Author's Note

Have you ever had one of those moments where you bump into the same people on TF2?

Spy stood in front of the former manor; His breath puffing into cold smoke before his eyes.

It must have been one of the BLUs. Or perhaps from the Russian Mafia?

He took a deep drag and threw his cigarette to the snowy ground, it's dying embers still flickering.

Well, it didn't matter who did it, but he was upset to find his house burned to the ground.

Of course, as any good spy would, he didn't keep anything remotely important in this house, and it's loss was barely worth the attention.

But it was his favorite get away, even if he had neglected to visit it the past few years.

He slowly trudged in the mannor, to find anything of nostalgic value, perhaps something to pocket before turning away?

The manor now had it's master roaming within it's halls once again.

It's stone walls charred but still standing. Everything else was nothing more than a blackened heap.

His footsteps echoed the large abandoned building, burned wood crumbling under his feet.

A puff of soot would gasp with every movement, giving an odd yet lonely feeling.

"Cats and rabbits would reside in fancy little houses.."

A sudden echo snapped Spy out of his thoughts.

A giggle of a child soon followed after.

"And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers.."

Stopping dead in his tracks, he called out into the darkness.

"Who's there? Show 'ourself!"

The laughter and music stopped imediately, and silence fell upon the ruined house once more.

It happened so suddenly that Spy nearly doubted the strange singing even happened.

Standing there in silence, the cold of the wind blew in through the cracks. It was so quiet that the Frenchman could hear his own blood pulsing.

Slowly taking out his revolver, he started heading upstairs, his right hand lightly tracing the staircase handle, his left ready to shoot.

He slowly walked down the hallway. A large part of the ceiling was burnt away, and the snow and wind poured in like liquid.

Suddenly the sound of a piano startled Spy.

Random jumbled notes echoed out through the house, as if someone had slammed their fists onto the piano.

Spy headed towards his music room, deftly and secretly.

The strange notes never stopped. Perhaps the strange intruder thought they were safe?

Now leaning against the wall, Spy saw the room to his music room was hung ajar, and he made out a figure through the holes, and saw someone playing the piano, completely unaware of his presence.

With a quick step, he burst into the room, his gun positioned at the intruder.

"Who are 'ou!!"

The strange figure stopped, trembling.

Spy looked closely at the figure, and saw that it was strangely disportioned. And though it's entire body was covered in a blanket, Spy had the impression that it's neck was stretched out twice as long than a normal human.

It's small feet were brown with dried blood and dirt, it's fingers blackened with what looked like soot.

Spy glared at the figure, and kept the gun up.

"Turn around! And reveal 'ourself!!"

The figure slowly put it's hands up, and started to turn around at an agonizing pace.

Spy was no believer of fairy tales, no story of ghouls, ghosts or demons could unhindge him, but he half expected to see a corpse face him.

The strange figure had it's hair covering it's face.

Spy barked at it.

"Lift 'our head!"

Obeying, the figure took the blanket off, and lifted it's head.

Spy stood there, speechless.

"...'ou are.."

The strange figure turned out to be a child, with a hat, and Spy realized that was why the figure gave the strange disportioned look.

The child was shivering in the cold, dirt covered her features, her clothes were simple rags and she looked quite malnourished.

The child had a wild look of fear in her eyes, and looked up at Spy.

Spy lowered his gun.

"A child..? What are 'ou doing 'ere?"

The little girl looked up at Spy, still with the wild look in her eyes.

Spy slowly walked towards her, and she recoiled in fear.

"Now pétit, I do not wish do 'urt 'ou.. 'ere.."

Spy took off his coat and draped it around her, and knelt before her to match her height.

The child looked at him in suprise, but did not cower.

"Pétit, where are 'ou from?"

Fidgeting her fingers, she bowed her head down and stared at her toes.

"I'm from here.."

Spy frowned.

"'ere..? 'Ow can zhat be? Zhere is no one 'ere.."

The child spoke lowly, as if she was frightened.

"I saw the mean men put the house on fire, I watched them do it.."

Spy looked into her eyes.

"I didn't have anywhere to go, and when the fire died down it was really warm, so I stayed here.. I didn't know anyone was here.. I'm sorry"

The little girl started crying and hid her face behind her hands, sobbing. Spy looked at her sadly and took her in his arms, soothing her.

"Zhere zhere.. it's alright.. so 'ou don't 'ave a family do you?"

The child nodded, and Spy wiped her tears away.

"Zhen come with me.. I will give 'ou a place to stay"

Looking up in suprise, the little girl couldn't believe her ears.

"You will? But.. but I don't have any money!"

Spy chuckled and picked her up.

"Zhere is no need for zhat pétit, I will make sure 'ou will never worry for such zhings"

The child gave a look of confusion, still unable to understand what was going on.

Walking out of the manor with the child, Spy held her tightly in his arms.

The little girl looked up at him in concern, scared once more.

"But what's going to happen? Where will I go? What's going on???"

Spy looked at the girl and noticed her hands were covered with dust and cinder.

"Let me put it in a simpler way.. 'ou are cinderella..."

The girl looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Cinderella.. you mean the princess?"

Spy chuckled.

"Yes, and I will be 'our fairy.. godfather"

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