Model in Disguise

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I wrote this when I was very young considering rewriting it and taking fan suggestions into consideration.

Ok so here is my new story I hope you guys like it. Feed back would be GREAT!!!

FAITH JONES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter 1

"Faith Jones! Right here."

"I love you Faith, right here."

"Smile for me Faith."

I turned my head looking for a place to hide or escape.

'no where' I said to my self

I took off running down the street. My car is just a little ways away.

I was in a store about 10 minutes ago when a little girl recognized me and shouted.


it went all down hill from there. The paparazzi was chasing me down the street.

Oh yeah did I mention I'm one of the world's biggest super models?

Yup that's me Faith Jones. The girl that every girl wants to be and every guy wants to date.

I'm known all over the world: London, Italy, Japan anywhere you name it. I'm known there.

So when I go out in public this is normally what happens.

I tried to pick up my pace, but because I decided to wear 3 inch heals today, it wasn't very fast.

'almost there' I told myself 'just couple more feet.'

"aaaahhhh" I scream came out of my mouth.

My shoe got caught in a crack in the side walk.

My body was going down.

"ouch" I screamed as my face hit the grown.

Cameras were flashing everywhere.

I brought my face up to look up at them.

Pain shot in my face.

If there is a scratch on my face my mom will kill me!!

"smile Faith." one of them said.

Might as well do what he says. I gave him my winning modeling smile.



"what the heck is this Kayla?" my mom said throwing a magazine on the table.

Yup, thats right my real name is Kayla. I prefer Faith though. But Faith is just my Modeling name.

I took a bite out of my cereal.

"its called a picture and I made the cover you should be proud." I said sarcastically

on the cover was the picture of me on the ground smiling.

"why are you on the ground?" she asked

"I fell"

"what are you eating?" she asked me

she leaned over and looked in my bowl. A disappointed look came on her face.

"faith you know you arn't supposed to eat this kind of junk." she took my bowl and poured it out.

I huffed.

"here" she handed me an apple

suddenly I heard a car horn honk.

That meant my best friends Abigal and Kaley or as I call them Abbi and Kay were here.

I grabbed my fake glasses, my lunch and my book bag. Before walking out the door I threw my hair up in a pony tail.

"bye" I told my mom

I ran to Abbi's car.

I got in.

"hey" I said

"heyy"hey both chimed

Kay was the preppy, happy one of our group and Abbi was the sweet, smiley one of our group. Me? I was the dork! Yup Faith Jones was a dork at school.

My mom thought it would be a good idea if I lived a normal life at school. So my disguise was a dork.

I didnt like it but its my only choice.

Nobody not even my best friends know that im Faith Jones.

We pulled up to the school. I got out and told my friends bye.

Then walked in the school.

Everybody here pretty much ignored me here.

I was walking around a corner when I ran into something that knocked me down.

My butt hit the ground and my glasses came off my face.

I instantly began to pretend to be looking for my glasses. I caught a glance of who hit me. It was Tyler. My life long crush. I have had a crush on him since 1rst grade.

We used to be friends but then he got popular. Do I need to say more.

He is still nice to me though.

Tyler leaned down to help me I saw him grab my glasses then hold out his hand. I pretended to squint and look for his hand. I grabbed it. He helped me up

I looked into his eyes as he did the same to me.

"wow Kayla you kinda look like Faith Jones without glasses." he said sweetly them handed me my glasses.

"thanks" I said shyly

"sorry for knocking you down" he said

"its ok"

"ill see you around" he said then walked around me.

Tyler was the captain of the football team and the basketball team. He was incredibly sexy too. And the best part was he was inlove with faith jones just like every guy. The bad news is I cant tell him who I am.

Thats what you get when your a 'Model in Disguise'


Model in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now