Chapter 18

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Anyways enjoy:)

Chapter 18

"what no I'm not. I wish I was but I'm not." I said trying to sound convincing.

"Faith, I know it's you." he said

"no I'm not." I trying once again to sound convincing, but I failed miserably. You would think after appearing on a few tv shows my acting would be better.

James smiled. "Faith Nicole Jones...... You can't lie to me so just give it up."

"how do you know my middle name?" oh crap no "err I mean-"

"caught ya." he laughed

"uhhh how did you know?" I finally gave in.

"well for 1 your disguise isn't that good. For 2 I know you to well not to know."

"so all those times you were complementing Faith you were meaning for me to hear?" I asked

"yup'" he said popping the 'P'


"hahaha why are you pretending your a dork? It's awesome being famous at school you get anything you want." he smiled

"exactly I don't want everything handed to me all the time. I don't want to be big headed and thank I can get everything."

"but it's fun."

"James its your first day at school. People are never gonna give you privacy." I said

"I'm used to it." he said

"oh what ever either way I like it this way so please don't tell anyone." the truth was yeah I would like to come to school as Faith but my mom forces me not to. And honestly I do wanna live a normal life so I can stay down to earth.

"anyways still wanna go for a walk?" I asked

"yup." he reached down to grab my hand.

I quickly pulled away. He looked at me confused. " if you wanna hold my hand you have to catch me first." I smiled and took off running.


"Kayla! Get Your Lazy butt up! You have a photo shoot in 30 minutes!!" my mom screamed.

I let out a huff and got up.

"in the limo." she said

"why the limo why can't I take my car?" I asked

"because I like the limo better." she walked out the door.

What ever.

I walked to the limo and got in. When I got in I noticed Lizzie was already in there. Lizzie has been pretty much staying out of my life. The only time I see her is in the morning and that's about it. Except when I see her in class. I'm not sure what she had been up to but she isn't causing trouble for me anymore so I'm ok.

"hey lizzie." I said trying to be nice.

She looked at me then smiled.

Just then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I didn't look at the caller ID

"Faith?" it was James

"James hey." I smiled remembering the great day we had today.

"what are you doing?"

"I'm headed to a photo shoot."

"what about after that?" he asked

"nothing that I know of. Why?"

"I have a surprise for you. Are you going to your usual studio?"

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