chapter 12

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"Kayla, you can't stay mad at me for something I didn't even do." He commented

Is he kidding me!

Anger boiled up inside me.

"look Tyler, you aren't helping me at all." I said calmly

"helping you with what?

"helping me chose between you and Kevin!" his eyes went wide and I istantly wanted to pull the word back into my mouth.

"well I'm sorry Kayla." He looked me in the eyes.

I'm confused why is he apologizing and for what?

"for what" my voice came out soft and quiet. I braced my self for him to yell at me.

"I'm sorry for bothering you." He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the class room.

I chased after him.


He spun around quickly.

"really Kayla, you told me you were sorry then go do it AGAIN!"

My anger was about to flow over at this point.

"why in the heck am I even out her apologizing to you? You did the same thing to me!"


Why is he screaming at me this is his fault! That was the first time I had ever heard him cuss. It made me sad that it was at me


Tears were bout to start streaming down my face, and I don't even know why!

Im so confused. I don't even wanna think about him. He is ripping my heart out piece by piece and it hurts. Why did I have to fall for that stupid boy! Im a freaking super model for goodness sake I could get any guy I want!

That's it im going out tonight and im gonna have a good time. Meet someone new, drink a little, or a lot and just loose myself in the night and forget about everything that happened today.


"FAITH!!" I herd my named screamed over the music. I turned on my heel to see Kevin!

What's he doing here?

"Kevin? What are you doing here?"

"Jacob." he explained

Jacob was Kevin's best friend. He was actually really hot but a extreme player. He was a movie star so he was pretty much like me, he could get anyone he wanted.

He also loved to party and lay girls so Kevin was always with him. Kevin wasn't an extreme player but he was on the lines of just a player.

"ah " I said knowing what he meant.

"hey sexy wanna dance?" a blond headed chick asked Kevin as she was grinding up against him.

He looked at me to ask if it was ok.

I nodded in approval.

He led her to the dance floor.

Now for some drinks. I walked over to the bar. I was already half drunk at this point but it wasn't enough.

I sat down on a stool beside a pretty hot looking boy.

"hey gorgeous." he racked his eyes over me slowly .

I smiled

"you wanna dance?" he slurred

I nodded he grabbed my hand and lead me to the floor.

We started dancing. I was dancing sexily on him making him hard.

I was laughing to myself.

We danced a little while longer. When I was finally tired i told him I was gonna go sit down but he stopped me.

"what are you doing I wanna go sit down." I demanded

"your not going anywhere." I pulled me closer to him he started dancing again.

I was about to pull away when I felt his hand slid up into my dress. He rubbed his fingers across my underwear.

Oh no no no no.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed as hard as I could but he didn't budge.

"oh no no no no." I tied to push again. Nothing.

I herd him moan. He grabbed my arm. He started pulling me to the door.

"Stop! Where are you going?"

"my apartment." he pulled me out the door and threw me in his car.

I desperately tried to get out of his car but I couldn't.



He pulled my clothes off then started working on his jeans.

Oh god he is gonna rape me!

I'm gonna get pregnant and my carrier go down the toilet!!!

Please help God. He got undressed and prepaid to rape me. Help me Lord please!


Uh oh should Some one save her?

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