Chapter 22

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The next day Lizzie had to leave our house and lost her job. Yes it seems harsh but she so deserved it! I haven't seen or herd anything about Lexxie. Since she found out about my secret I have been terrified. Lexxie hates me enough to go tell everyone.

"I'm sorry about Lizzie." my mom said.

"yeah......" I didnt want to say it was ok because it's not ok. She caused so much trouble for me and things I can't get out of.

"maybe she won't tell." she was referring to Lexxie.

"doubt it...... Um I'm going to my room." I said quietly.

I walked up to my room and laid on my bed.

Suddenly I heard my work phone ring.

"Hello?" I asked sounding a little depressed.

"Hello Faith Jones? This is Carrie from the tv company."

"oh Hey Carrie! Do you need me to do a interview with someone?" I asked

"something like that." she sounded a little devious "can you come down to my office?"

"yeah I'll be there in 10." I said.

I ran down stairs and told my mom to Drive me to Carrie's office.

"does she want you to guest appear on a tv show?" my mom asked on the way up there.

"she said 'something like that.'" I quoted

"hu.....well I wanted to tell you I really am sorry about Lizzie...."my mom said quietly

"we all are." I turned my head out the window and saw we were here. "I'll be out in a little while."

I got out and made my way to the building "hi I'm here to see Carrie." I put on my best elegant voice.

The woman behind the desk looked up and noticed who I was.

"oh my gosh Faith where have you been!" Ally screamed. Ally was Carrie's secretary. Ally and I used to be really good friends, but then I got more busy and we kinda faded.

"oh you know school, shopping, photo shoots, and hiding from flashing cameras out side of the studio." she laughed

"that sounds like you Faith, well it was nice to see you." she smiled

"you too. See you later." I walked to the elevator.

"what floor?" some lady in the elevator asked

"13 please." she pressed the number. I felt a really small hand pull on my fingers. I looked down to see a little girl about 6 with a piece of paper and a pen. I bent down to her level "hey sweetie." I smiled politely she giggled.

"can I have your autograph?" she asked sweetly.

"oh sure sweetie." she gave me the pen and paper "what's your name sweetheart?"

"Kayla." she smiled a big grin sped on my face.

"really? I have a little secret. Can you keep a secret?" I asked her. She nodded her head fiercely. " my name is Kayla too." she looked at me confused. "Faith is my stage name. Kayla is my real name." I smiled she smiled really big

"REALLY?" she asked

"yup" I smiled her smile grew bigger,

I looked at the paper then wrote 'dear Kayla, always follow your dreams. You are a beautiful young Lady. Maybe you'll be the next Faith Jones.

Your friend,

Kayla/Faith Jones

I handed the paper back to her she read it and smiled.

"thanks Kayla your the best!" I smiled at her using my real name.

Maybe not all my fans will hate me.

I smiled at her. Maybe everything is gonna be alright.

The elevator stopped on my floor I told Kayla bye and walked to Carries office.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard Carrie cold ice voice.

Carrie can be cool but she is also very mean.

I walked in. When she noticed it was me she plastered on a fake smile.

"oh hi Faith, come in have a seat." she spoke

I did as she told and sat in front of her.

"you wanted to see me?" I asked

"yes, yes I did, Faith how would you like to star in your very own Tv show?"

My heart froze " what?" I asked shocked

"how would you like to star in your own tv show called 'model in disguise'?" she intertwined her fingers and looked at me waiting on an answer.

"are you serious!" I asked shocked

"totally serious. Do you wanna do it or not?"

"yes of corse!!" I said "my own Tv show. When did you get this idea?" I asked

" my niece, Lexxie, actually gave me the idea."

" wait Lexxie Taylor, as in the one who goes to-"

"yes it's the Lexxie you know..... She came to me and told me about what you've been doing. I think she was actually trying to tell your secret but instead she have me a great idea for your own reality Tv show. "

"oh my gosh this is amazing!!!"

" so you will to give 'model in disguise' a chance?"



Sooooo what do you think?

Comment vote and all that good stuff.

AND!!!!! Everyone needs to go check out BADDASSCHICK's books they are awesome!! So everyone go check them out!!!

Thanks for reading, this story is not over yet I decided to make it longer!!!


Model in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now