Chapter 13

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A tear slid down my cheek.

Please God help!

The man smashed his lips back to my mouth. But he didn't put himself in me.

I was squirming around trying to get free.

He deepened the kiss.


More tear started to flow out of my eyes.

Suddenly one of my legs slipped out of the tie. And surprisingly it was very easy . I quickly tried to get my other leg out. It slipped out easily!


I still had my shoes on so I knew exactly what I am going to do.

He pulled out of the kiss when he realized I stop kissing him.

He pulled his hand back then connected it to my face.

Pain shot through my cheek.

I winced in pain.

He crashed his lips back to my mouth.

I pulled my legs back and pushed as hard as i could with my legs.

He pulled away shocked and hovered over me. I pulled my legs back and hit him as hard as I possibly could in his man hood.

He jumped in pain he held his crotch.

I took that as my chance to leave.

I quickly tried to gather my clothes. It may sound stupid but if Faith Jones was caught naked I'm DEAD!!

I made sure to grab my purse because my phone was in there. I ran towards the door.

My hands were still tied together so I was trying my hardest to open his front door.

I finally got it open. I started out the door when a hand caught my shoulder and pulled me back.

I feel backwards and landed on my back.

I screamed in pain as my head hit the ground.

He got on top of me a again. He pulled his hand back and slapped me again.

I cried in pain.


I tried fiercely to get out of his hold.

I tears started to come out of my eyes when I couldn't get free.

He hovered over me again to line up with me core. I quickly kicked him again! This time harder and more than once.


I got up and ran as quickly as I could. I was still naked but I needed to get away from his house.

I ran as quickly as I could. When I was out of breath I stopped on the side of the rode and quickly pulled my dress on. I couldnt find my bra and panties so all I had was my dress.

I quickly pulled my phone out of my purse.

I was still crying because I was scared and still in pain.

I looked through my contact list to call someone I could trust.

I couldn't call my mom cause she would kill me. I could call my friends cause they might tell my mom.


I pressed send and waited for an answer.

No answer.

The last person that I thought about was Tyler.

I sighed I had no choice.

I pressed send and waited.

"hello?" his voice croaked sleepily

"Tyler its Faith err I mean Kayla. I need you help! Please help me Tyler please!" I said a quickly. Tears were still falling down my cheeks.

He quickly woke up.

"Kayla where are you! Why are you crying. What happend."

"a guy tried to rape me." me voice was shaky.

"Kayla I'm soo sorry where are you!"

"I don't know! I don't know" I cried

"look for some kind of sign or street name." he demanded

I looked around for something with identification.

I looked and saw up a little ways a stop sign with street names.

"ok I see something. Hold on." I sprinted to the sign. Out of breath I said " Taylor dr."

"oh ok I live on the street don't move. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"thank you so much Tyler I don't know how to repay you."

"no problem just don't move." with that he hung up.

I grabbed the pole on the stop sign the sat down and cried.

How could this happen. How could I not have stopped that quicker. Why did I even dance with him. I'm so stupid. So stupid! Your an idiot Kayla !

I scolded my self , which made me cry harder.

I felt alone and greatful at the same time. I wanted to be alone. And I was so glad Tyler was coming for me.

Suddenly I saw head lights coming in this direction. They were speeding to me.

When it got to me Tyler quickly jumped out and embraced me in a hug.

I cried into his chest.

"it's ok Kayla. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you it's ok. Everything's fine. He can't hurt you." he cooed. He ran his fingers through the back of my hair.

Suddenly I was in Tyler's arms and he was caring me bridal stile. He walked to the passenger side. He laid the seat down then gently laid me in the seat. I curled up in a ball.

Tyler got in on the other side.

"where is his house?" Tyler asked

I pointed in the direction of his house without moving my body.

He sped down the road in the direction of his house I showed him the house and jumped out of the car.

I called after him.


He came back.

"what is it sweetheart." I smiled at the name.

"don't get Hurt please...... I need you." I croaked

"I won't." he stated

He ran up to the door and kicked it down. I stared in awe.

Please don't let him get hurt.

I was so thankful that Tyler came to my rescue. Even I said all those things to him.

I decided to be smart and call the police.

I sat in the car and tried to relax but I couldn't because I was worried about Tyler.

So I decided to be stupid and go to the house.

I quietly and slowly walked to the front door.

The door was busted down so I got a clear view of what was going on. I peaked around the corner only to here a loud noise and I body drop to the ground.

Tyler's body fell to the ground.

I screeched in horror.

Blood was coming out of his body.

I rushed to his body. I looked up to see the gun pointed at me.........



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