Chapter 17

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I led James out of the office. As we were walking he casually slung his arm over my shoulder. I didn't think much of it cause I err well Faith was used to it. We walked a little farther then he just stopped in the middle of the hall way. I turned to him.

"what are you doing? Come on."

"do you know who I am?" he asked shocked

"yes I do, your James Londin, the self centered, arrogant, jerk. That every girl wants to date." and that was so the truth. That's why I broke up with him. He constantly had girls all over him. It wasn't really his fault but I didn't want to take any chances of getting cheated on.

He smirked and walked towards we then brought his head down to look my in the eyes. Threw my glasses of corse.

"so you want to date me?" he was still smirking

Did he not hear my insult?

"did you not hear what I said?"

"yeah you said 'you wanted to date me." he grabbed my hand

"your such a arrogant jerk!" I said then walked away

He chased after me and grabbed my hand. He laughed a little but I could tell it was fake. "thats funny, that's exactly what my ex girlfriend said about me."

"I wonder why?" I wanted to know who he has dated since me. " who was your ex."

"Faith Jones."

"wasn't that like a year ago? Have you dated since her?" I asked

"yeah it was a year and 2 months ago, and no I haven't. I kinda never really moved on...." I could tell he was serious.

He remembered when we broke up.

James was actually really nice and I really liked him he was my first love but he always has girls around him flirting. He wasn't flirting back but I didn't want to take any chances of him cheating on me. I know I should have been more trust worthy but it was just hard to watch.

"oh sorry " I said he got closer to me and bent down so he was eye level with me.

"do I know you from somewhere?"

I quickly turned. " no"

"I could swear I have-"

"where do you wanna go first?" I cut him off

" I'm how about class rooms?"

"sounds good to me. But umm can you let go of my hand?"

"nope your mine." he smirked i sighed

I led him to the first classroom. " this is mrs. Browns chemistry class." I knocked on the door then walked in. When everyone saw James the gasped and started giggling whispering 'that's James London.'

I watched as the girls eyes followed his arm to our hands intertwined. There faces quickly turned to jealousy and hate.i just ignored it.

I introduced James to the teacher and everyone then we left. When we got out of the room I busted out laughing

" why are you laughing ?" he asked

" did you see theose girls faces when they saw our hands?" he laughed

" yeah" he said.

" ok well let's keep going."


" for lunch we can either eat in the lunch room or we can eat out side on the picnic tables."

For the first part of the day we have been going around in classrooms. In every class room I watched as the girls looks turned from shock to anger and jealousy because we were holding hands. It actually quite funny to watch. In all the classes I never saw Tyler. I guess he isn't here today.

" umm lets go out side." he smiled

" ok let's go." I led him out side to a little shady spot under a tree. " so what's life like being famous and all?" of corse I knew how it was

" it's cool sometimes. Other times it gets out of hand or things will happen that out of control." he sighed i knew what he meant

" well it has to be fun getting all the girls you want and all. I mean you can get any girl you want!" which was very true.

" no I hate it. I lost the girl of my dreams! girls wouldn't stop flirting with me. It was unfair. No matter how much i tried to show them I wasn't interested it didn't matter. They would never leave me alone. I lost Faith because of that......"

I looked him the eye he wasn't kidding.

" I'm sorry, you'll find someone special again." I smiled

"yeah.... You remind me so much of her. You have her beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, perfect teeth, wonderful laugh, her long flowy hair. You look just like her."

" ummmm I dont know if you were complementing me or her?" I laughed a little. There both me

"both" he smiled

For the rest of our lunch we just talked about normal stuff.

I got up and looked at him. "ok since we have pretty much been everywhere inside do u wanna go for a walk and see things out side?"

" do I get to hold your hand?" he smirked " you know you want James Londin to hold your hand."

" ummm let me think about that ...... Do I want a arrogant jerk hold my hand? Hmm i think I'll pass." I smirked and started walking away.

I heard footsteps behind me. Suddenly James threw me over his shoulder so my body was drooped over his shoulder.

" HEY PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screamed

" can I hold your hand?" I could just see the smirk on his face

" no now put me down!!"

" nope not unless I can hold your hand." he said

" fine you can hold my hand just put me down."

" whoops you waited to long I like this view now." he slapped my butt.

" hey!" he laughed then put me down. When he did he made sure to grab my hand and make me face him. I smiled and looked into his eyes.

" you are so beautiful." he looked me dead in the eye I could tell he was tellin me the truth.

"your just saying that cause I look like Faith." I said

"no I'm saying it cause you are Faith."

My heart stopped......


Uh oh how did he figure that out???

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Xxx kisses

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