Chapter 2: Baseball Time

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I was with Sugino and Nagisa hiding behind a tree and a couple of bushes as we watched Korosensei sitting on a lawn chair reading a newspaper.

"Hw makes a point of relaxing behind the school every day before homeroom after visiting Hawaii at Mach 20 to pick up a drink and an English newspaper. Just as reported. Thanks, Nagisa." Said Sugino.

"Sure. Good job, Sugino." Said Nagisa.

"You can do it, Sugino." I cheered.

"You got it. That ten billion yen is mine!" Sugino pitches the ball.

"Good morning!" Korosensei greeted. The three of us turn around to see him standing behind us. "Now, show me your best greeting! No mumbling, you hear?"

"G-Good morning, Korosensei." Nagisa and I say.

"So you embedded those anti-teacher pellets onto a baseball? A fine idea. Much quicker then an airgun, for sure. However... They flew so slowly that I got bored waiting for it to arrive, and touch the pellets directly wouldʻve been bad for my health. So in the end, I popped over to the equipment shed to grab a glove. I do hope you can kill me before graduation, that is. Now then, time for homeroom." Korosensei left. Sugino placed his head down.

"Yes, sir." Sugino mumbled. Nagisa and I looked at him worried. "Damnit. Guess my ball wonʻt do the trick after all."


I sat in the front of the class like always working on some assignments while Korosensei was teaching.

"Sugaya-kun!" I hear Korosensei shout and glance over to see him holding a book. "You were very close! But my features are a bit finer than that." He turns the book around to show a drawing of himself.

"Finer how?!" Said Maehara.

The bell chimed.

"Now then, class. I have some business to take care of today, so if youʻll excuse me..." Said Korosensei.

"Business?" Asked Isogai.

"Yes. I have a game to catch in New York." Korosensei left out the window.

"There he goes." Said Yoshida.

"Whatʻs his deal?" Added Terasaka.

"Itʻd be nice if he brought back some souvenirs for once in a while, at least." Said Kurahashi. "He always brings something back for (Last name)-senpai." I sweat dropped.

"Itʻs not like I ask him to..."

"But whoʻd want something to remember their assassination target by?" Asked Kataoka.

"Well, he could bring us something to eat. That way, it wouldnʻt stick around."

"Thatʻs one way of looking at it, I guess."

"What could he bring back from New York?" Asked Isogai.

"Booze?" Meahara replied.

"Weʻre underage!"

"Yeah, I think snacks would be best." Said Kurahashi.

"Or a blond beauty! Hell yeah!" Said Okajima.


"Blond, blond, blond, blond!" I chuckled a little. I finished packing up my bag and walked over to Nagisaʻs desk.

"Ready to go Nagisa?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed his back. We were about to leave when Karasuma walked in. "Oh, Karasuma."

"Howʻs it going? Any clues on how to kill him?" Karasuma asked.

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