Chapter 7: School Trip Time/1st period

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"Nagisa, did you figure out whoʻs gonna be in your group yet?" I asked. He looks up at me confused.

"My group?"

"When youʻre all set, tell one your class presidents, Kataoka or Isogai." Kayano walks over to us.

"Did you forget ? Our class trip is next week!" She said.

"Honestly, who arranges a class trip this early in third year? I canʻt say I approve." Said Korosensei. We look over at him to see him dressed in a kimono and Geisha makeup.

"Youʻre totally into it!" Said Maehara.

"Geisha cloths?!" Added Mimura.

"And they look good on him!" Said Okajima. Korosensei disappeared then reappeared without the clothing.

"You saw right through me. Yes, in fact, I can hardly wait to go on this trip with you." Said Korosensei. Nagisa, Kayano, and I laughed nervously. ʻFirst we have exams, and now thereʻs a class trip. Even in this assassination classroom, our scheduleʻs jam-packed with school events.ʻ

We were all outside at the track field. Class E wew sitting on the ground wearing their P.E clothing while I was standing next to Karasuma.

"As you know, next week is our two-night school trip to Kyoto. And while I hate to ruin the excitement, let me remind you that youʻre still on duty." Karasuma explained.

"You mean weʻll be attempting assassination there?" Yada asked.

"Precisely." I said.

"Kyoto is far larger and more complex than this school, and youʻll be moving in groups that heʻll be following. Itʻs an ideal government has already arranged for sharpshooters to join you. Upon success, each person will share in the ten billion yen based on the degree of their contribution. Be sure to pick assassination-friendly tour routes." Said Karasuma.

"Yes, sir." The bell chimed and everyone went back to class. I was with Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino, and Okuda.

"Groups for the school trip, huh?" Said Nagisa. He looked over to Karma and I. "Hey, Karma-kun, (Last name)-senpai, went to be in my group?"

"Hmm? Yeah, okay."

"Sure, Iʻll tag along. Iʻll just let Karasuma know."

"Are you sure about that, Karma? You wonʻt be pickinʻ any fights and gettinʻ into trouble on our trip, right?" Sugino asked.

"No sweat. When I fight offsight, I make sure to silence any witnesses. No oneʻll breath a word." Karma showed us a picture, he had a purple aura around him. I chuckled. ʻThatʻs Karma for you.ʻ "So whatʻs the group? Nagisa-kun, Sugino, Kayano-chan, (Last name)-chan, and..."

"Oh, I invited Okuda-chan!" Said Kayano.

"We need six. Shouldnʻt we get another girl?"

"Hehehe. I thought this might happen, so I asked her way in advance: How ʻbout the class idol, Kanzaki-san?" Said Sugino.

"Ohh. No objections here!" smiled Kayano. ʻKanzaki doesnʻt stand out, but sheʻs popular with all of them. No one would mind being in the same group with her.ʻ Kanzaki smiled and bowed.

"Thanks for having me, Nagisa-kun." She said. Nagisaʻs face grew a little red; I chuckled. ʻHow cute.ʻ

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, now to figure out where weʻre going to go!"

"Yeah! Where should we start?"

"What children. After youʻve been all over the world, a school trip is nothing." Said Jelavic.

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