Chapter 3: Karma Time

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"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight!"

"Ah, the sound of exercising echoing across the field on a sunny afternoon. How peaceful. Or so it would be if the students didnʻt have weapons in their hands." Korosensei said. I stood in between him and Karasuma as I watched the students doing P.E... but it was more like practicing their knife movements.

"Practice swinging your knives from all eight directions. Iʻll be in charge of physical education from now on." Said Karasuma.

"Iʻm feeling a bit left out."

"Didnʻt I tell you to make yourself scarce doing this period? Go play in the sandbox or something." Korosensei went to go play in the sandbox.

"Youʻre so mean, Karasuma-sensei. Iʻll have you know that my students happened to like my P.E activities!" I sighed.

"Yeah, right. Your physical abilities are far too out there. Donʻt you remember what happened last time?" I said.

"Now, letʻs try jumping from side to side. Iʻll show you how itʻs done, so watch and learn!" Korosensei says and jumps from side to side at Mach 20.

"As if!"

"Once you get the hang of it, you can add some catʻs cradle."

"Damn, heʻs good!"

"Heʻs in a class of his own." Said Nakamura.

"Iʻd rather have a human P.E teacher, thanks." Said Sugino. Korosensei cried.

"Okay, letʻs get back to it." Said Karasuma.

"But is there any point to all this training, Karasuma-sensei? And should we be doing it right under our targetʻs nose?" Maehara asked.

"Assassination follows the same principle as studying: Drill the basics and theyʻll serve you well." I said.

"Isogai-kun, Maehere-kun, step forward." They stepped forward. "Try to strike (First name) with those knives." I gave him an irritated look. ʻJust because I know the basics of assassination, doesnʻt mean you can drag me into this.ʻ I just sighed and put my hair in a ponytail (clipped your bangs up if you have short hair).

"Are you sure?" Asked Isogai.

"As a team?" Added Maehara.

"There harmless to humans, so donʻt worry. If you can touch her, even lightly, you may all go home for the day." Said Karasuma. Isogai and Maehara gave each other an unsure look. I smiled at them, reassuring that Iʻll be okay.

"Iʻll be alright guys, trust me."

"Uh... well, er. Okay, then." Said Isogai. He dashed at me. I quickly moved to the side before he was able to touch me.

"Come on." I said. Maehara came at me.

I moved to the side and grabbed his wrist; pushing him back. Isogai and Maehara slashed at me, but I managed to dodge them.

"As you can see, with a little training, even (First name) can handle the knives of two amateurs." I said. Isogai and Maehara came at me with their knives, but I caught their wrist and flipped them over on their backs. "If you canʻt even hit me, you havenʻt got a snowballʻs chance in Hell against your Mach 20 teacher. See? While you three were sparring, he built Osake Castle the sandbox, changed clothes, and brewed up some tea!" Pointing over to Korosensei.

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