Chapter 9: Transfer Student Time

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"That was a fun school trip." Said Nagisa.

"But now it's all back to normal." Said Sugino.

"You this normal?" I asked.

"Yo!" We turn to see Isogai running towards us.


"Morning, Isogai-kun."

"Good morning."

"Did you guys see the group email from Karasuma-sensei?" Isogai asked.


"It was about a transfer student, right?" Sugino asked. Isogai took out his phone and cheeked the email.

"Hmm. Sounds like another pro killer to me."

"So now they're bringing in student assassins." Said Nagisa.

"If they're transfer student... maybe they'll be our age, not like Bitch-sensei! Do you know anything about them, (Last name)-senpai?" They turn to look at me.

"Karasuma talked about it to me yesterday, so I know a little bit who they are... but I can't say anything about it," I said. 'I'm surprised as well they would let them attend. Is it because they're taking too long?'

"One that note..." Okajima popped out from nowhere.

"Where'd you come from?!" Exclaimed Sugino.

"I was curious too, so I asked Karasuma if he had a photo. Here's what he sent back." Okajima took out his phone and showed us a picture of a girl their age with short pink hair and bright red eyes.

"Oh, She's a girl!"

"You made it your wallpaper, huh?"

"She's pretty cute!"

"Right? Super cute! Oh man, I sure hope we hit it off! I'm so nervous... So nervous!" I sweat dropped. 'I really donʻt want to break it to them that sheʻs not a human.'

"She doesn't look like a killer." Said Isogai; Nagisa agreed with him.

"Please let us hit it off!"

"Dial it down a notch, Okajima." Said Sugino.

Assassins or not, any new student is always met with a mix of anticipation and unease. Questioning: What's she's like? What's her assassination style? They were brimming with curiosity.

"I wonder if she's here yet. You know, the new girl." Said Sugino. Once he slide the door opened to the classroom, there we saw a large looking device in the back of the room. "The hell's this?" It soon turns on and the pink haired girl appears on the screen.

"Good morning. I'll be joining your class today. My designation is Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said, and the screen went black. 'Didn't see that coming.'

"As I'm sure you know, this is your new classmate." Karasuma writes her name on the blackboard. "Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery-san from Norway." She appears back onto the screen.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She said, before disappearing again. 'Must be rough on Karasuma-sensei.'

'I would go crazy if I had to act like everything was normal here.' Korosensei started to laugh.

"Don't laugh! You're no better than here! Just so you know, she's registered here as a student. She'll be sitting there aiming her guns at you, but under no circumstances may you fight back. You're not permitted to harm any of the students. That was the agreement, right?"

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