Chapter 6: Test Time

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Because of exams this week I was excused by Karasuma from my job as teacherʻs assistant to study. He dropped me off by the school gates of Kunugigaoka High school. I watched as he drove off to the middle school, I looked up at the gate with a sign. ʻNever thought I would come back.ʻ I thought to myself before walking into the school. I received some looks by the students and heard whispering about missing classes but still managing to stay in the top of my class. No one said anything to me, until...

"(First name)!" I hear someone shout my name. Before I had the chance to see who it was, I was tackled into a hug. "I missed you so much! Itʻs so boring here without you!" It was Ayako, one of my best friends.

"I-I missed y-you too... Now, c-can you p-please let m-me go." I struggled to say.

"Let her go Aya. Youʻre gonna kill her." I look over Ayakoʻs shoulder to see Shiori, Shi, and Cyan walking towards us. She lets me go as I was able to breath again.

"Itʻs good to see you (First name). Itʻs been a while." Shiori smiled.

"Did you come back for the exam?" Cyan asked. I nodded.

"Karasuma excused me from my work for the week so I can study for the exams."

Shiori, Ayako, and I are third years while Shi and Cyan were first years. The four of them are the only friends I have made during the school years that werenʻt as cruel as the other students (although, I canʻt say for Shi and Cyan as they are the two most intimidating people in their year). They were the only ones who knew about my disappearance and assassination work. They were the only people I could trust to keep this secret.

The bell chimed for the start of classes.

The five of us went our separate ways. Shi and Cyan went to their classes, Ayako headed to Class 3-3, and Shiori and I head to our class 3-4. I slide the door open as the both of us walked in and Shiori slide the door close. I looked at my teacher who gave me a smile, I smiled back. She was one of the few nice teachers I respected.

"Welcome back, (Last name)-san."

"Thank you, Diana-sensei." I bowed, and walked back to my seat next to Shiori. ʻI hope theyʻre doing okay...ʻ

The bell chimed to signal the end of school. I let out a yawn as Shiori and I gathered up our bags to meet up Shi, Cyan, and Ayako at the entrance. As we were walking down the stairs, my phone begins to vibrate. I look at the caller ID to see it was Karasuma.

"Hello?" I answered.

"(First name), I need you to come to the middle school." He said, and hung up before I could say anything.

"Was that Karasuma?" Shiori asked.

"Yea. By the way he said it, it must be important. I guess I wonʻt be able to walk home with you guys today." Shiori smiled.

"Itʻs all right. Iʻll let the others know you got a call from Karasuma. Oh, and Tell Naisa I said hello." I bid her a farewell and ran down the stairs.

It took a long time, but I managed to arrive to the school and hour and a half later. I walked in and saw Nagisa and Kayano cleaning the hall.

"Hello Nagisa, Kayano." I greeted. They looked at me and smiled back.

"Hello (Last name)-senpai. What are you doing here?" Kayano asked.

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