Chapter 8: School Trip Time/2nd Period

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The bell chimed, signaling the end of school. I closed my computer and packed it in my bag, I was the last to leave the classroom. I bid Korosensei a goodbye and headed out to meet with Nagisa and Karma, when I heard my name being called and turned to see Karasuma in the doorway of the teacherʻs lounge.

"Is there something that you need, Karasuma?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you for a moment." Said Karasuma.

"All right." I sent Nagisa a text saying that they can go on ahead without me. I followed Karasuma into the teacherʻs lounge to see what he wanted to talk to me about, but I think I have a good idea of what it is. "Is it about tomorrow's field trip?"

"Hmm. I hired a sniper to assist the students in their assassination attempts, you might remember him from your first mission last year. His name is Red Eye."

"Ehhhh?! Red Eye?!" I a little flustered. I remember being introduced to him by Karasuma. I would hate to admit it, but he is kinda cute. The two of us still manage to stay in contact with each other.

"Yes, I would like you to go along with him."

"Ah... Sorry Karasuma, but... Nagisa asked me to tag along with his group tomorrow."

"Thatʻs fine, Iʻll let him know. He was the one requested you to assist him."

"D-Did he?"

"You look a little flustered (First name)." He teased with a smirk. The blush on my cheeks turned even reader, I quickly walked out the teacherʻs lounge and shut the door.

As we were walking back to the hotel, I received a call on my phone. I didnʻt bother checking the caller ID since I thought it would be Karasuma.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Itʻs been awhile, (First name)." My eyes widened at the familiar voice.

"R-Red Eye!" I could hear him chuckle on the other side of the phone.

"Karasuma told me you were with one of the group of students. I was looking forward to being around you today." I blushed a little.

"I-Is that so?" I stuttered, when an idea popped in my head. "Hey, Red Eye, where are you heading to right now?"

"Heading back to the hotel, why do you ask." I smiled a little.

"No reason. Iʻll talk to you later." I hung up. "You guys go on without me, Iʻm gonna visit someone."

"Who is that (Last name)-senpai?" Kanzaki asked.

"Just a friend I havenʻt seen for awhile." A waved them a goodbye and turned to leave when one of Korosenseiʻs tentacles appeared in front of me, hold a small red pouch by a string.

"Take this with you." Korosensei said and placed the item in my hand, he ruffled my hair. I turned back at him, and thank him before heading to my destination.

I found out where his hotel was after calling Karasuma to ask him; I hung up on him before he could ask me why. I saw him sitting against the wall across a door that I presume to be the room heʻs staying in. I walked up in front of him and dangled the small pouch in front of his scoop.

"Here you go." Dropping the item in his hand. "A chili spice mix that Korosensei gave me from Sanneizaka."

"Oh, itʻs you. Thanks." He took a double take and his eyes widened to see that it was me standing in front of him with a smile. "(First name)?! What happened? Youʻre check is red?" He stood up and placed a hand on my bruised cheek.

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