Chapter One

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Gift Academy. I've never heard of it before.

"Oh, I've been waiting for this moment ever since you two were born!" My mother, Fiona exclaims, helping me and my twin sister, Flora, with our bags.

Just a few minutes ago, Flora and I found out that we were both born with amazing powers. Apparently, we're 'Gifted'.

My dad, Flinn, waits for us outside in the car. I grab my last bag and rush outside, feeling nervous and excited at the same time, my hands shaking as I bounce on the heels of my feet. 

I don't know what power I've been born with. I'll find that out when I'm sixteen, and so will Flora. Our birthdays are next week, and god I'm hoping I don't get a stupid one like the ability to grow vegetables out of my hair or something. I shove my last bag into the trunk and climb inside the black minivan my dad owns.

"Now remember, be safe," My mom reminds us. I nod my head at her.

"We will, don't worry," I promise her as my dad climbs into the driver's seat. Flora climbs into the van after putting her last bag in the trunk as well. My dad starts the engine and drives out of the driveway and away from our home. My mom waves one more goodbye to us, her eyes tearing up, but she's smiling proudly at us. I smile back at her and wave. I look into the car mirror at our home and my mom watching us leave until my dad takes a turn onto the main street, our home disappearing from view. I take a deep breath and look straight ahead at the cars, houses, and shops we zoom past.

"So, are you girls excited?" My dad asks Flora and I. He's grinning widely as he focuses on the road. I smile brightly at him.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see what power I'm going to have. Will Flora and I have the same power?" I ask my dad. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. It's not likely, but it's more likely you two will have different Gifts," My dad answers. I look over at Flora, who's staring blankly out the window. I know she's upset to leave, but she has to be at least a bit excited about this. I mean, she's going to have a cool power she'll be able to use whenever she wants! That's amazing!

"Come on, Flora! I know it's sad that we have to leave but look on the bright side! We'll be able to prank each other with our powers all the time," I tell her, nudging her shoulder and giving her a wink. She chuckles and playfully shoves my shoulder.

"By the way, at the academy, you two will have dorms, but it might not be with each other. Also, here's some advice; don't call your Gifts 'powers'. Call them Gifts, like everyone else. And don't make enemies or else you're in for some big surprises every day," My dad informs us. Flora and I nod our heads in agreement.

"What Gift do you have, Dad?" Flora asks him.

"Fire. Your mother has Nature," My dad answers.

"Nature? That sounds cool," Flora replies. My dad nods his head.

"It is. She can create flowers with a blink of an eye. Ever wonder why our garden is so much better than all our neighbor's?" My dad jokes. Flora and I laugh.

"Does that mean Flora and I will either get Fire or Nature?" I question my dad.

"Not exactly. Which Gift you have depends on your personality," My dad answers.

"Personality?" Flora wonders.

"Yep. I happened to be very feisty when I was your age, and your mother was- and still is- very kind," My dad explains.

"Well, Flora is really smart. What Gift do you think she's going to get?" I ask my dad. Flora perks up at this. My dad thinks for a moment before answering.

"I'm going to have to say Water," My dad tells us. Flora seems kind of proud of that. She's always loved swimming and the beach. "And you, Fay, I'm going to guess that you have Light or Nature, just like your mother. You're very cheerful." I brighten at this.

"Yeah, you're exactly like Mom," Flora adds in. I chuckle, and I'm not even embarrassed by that. My mother is the most amazing, wonderful person I've ever known. It'd be a shame if someone wasn't like her.


"We're almost there," My dad informs us after a few hours of Flora and I ranting about what our Gifts are going to be and what the academy's going to be like. I look out the window and take in everything around me. There are beautiful cliffs and mountains topped with snow surrounding us. There are large, flat plains and beautiful, colorful flowers blooming everywhere. Soon enough, I might be able to do that with a snap of my fingers. I smile at the sight of it all and glance back at Flora, who's also smiling with a tint of excitement on her face identical to mine, like I'm looking into a mirror. Then I remember what my dad told us about a while ago about me and Flora's dorms. He said we might not be in the same dorm room, and that kind of upsets me.

"So, Flora and I might not have the same dorm?" I ask my dad, wanting to talk about anything. My dad frowns and Flora turns curious.

"That's right. You might, but it's a small chance. But the good news is that they won't make you share a dorm with a boy, so that's good." I chuckle at my dad and look back out the window.

I stare ahead and see we're reaching a dead end. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and stare at my dad, who seems positive of where we're going.

"Um, Dad? Are you sure we're heading in the right direction?" Flora asks my dad, also staring at the dead end we're getting closer and closer to every second.

"Positive," My dad answers. I take deep breaths and prepare myself for what's coming. I'm going to an academy full of people with different Gifts. And I'm going to be one of those people.

I'm nearly jumping out of my seat as my dad reaches the dead end and stops the car. He takes the key out of the ignition and shoves it in his pocket.

"Alright, get your bags and follow me," My dad orders us, taking out what looks like a map. Flora and I follow his orders and we both hop out of the car. We walk to the back of the car and Flora opens the trunk door. We both grab our bags, one suitcase and one backpack each, and walk back to my dad at the front of the car.

"Okay, here goes everything," My dad mutters, then lifts his right hand under a blank piece of paper, the one he pulled from the car. Soon enough, a small ball of red fire appears in his hand. I gape at the fire curling in his palm, and after that, a small red line traces itself over the map.

"Alright!" My dead beams. "Let's go!" He exclaims, then starts walking in the direction of the red line. Flora and I stare at each other in amazement for a few seconds before following my dad.

Gift Academy, here we come.

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