Chapter Twelve

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Fay and I continue to discuss our dreams. She tells me exactly what happened in hers, and I tell her everything that happened in mine.

"Wait. Emily, Mike, and Liam?" Fay asks me when I describe the three Extras in my dream. I nod my head.

"Yeah, that's their names," I answer, curious on why she seems to know them.

"Did Emily have straight black hair and blue eyes, Liam with black hair and electric blue eyes, and Mike with red hair and brown eyes?" She questions. I'm shocked that she knows the exact description of the three.

"Yeah, how do you know that?" I ask her.

"They were the three Extras in my dream, too," she replies. I grunt.

"I really don't know who these people are, but if I ever meet them I'm going to rip them to shreds," I mumble.

"I'll help," Fay adds in, rolling her eyes. I sigh.

"What are we going to do about this? How are we going to win the war? They all have two powers each, we only have one. Not to mention that they have a spy in here and we have absolutely no idea who it is," I complain, ranting about everything we don't have.

"Then we'll turn the tables on them," Fay blurts out. I look at her with a puzzled expression.

"How?" I ask her, starting to lose hope about winning this war.

"They have a spy, we'll outdo them and send in two spies," She tells me. I'm shocked at her sudden reckless thought.

"Mr. Hernandez said that they might have two powers, but there's a lot more Gifted than there are Extras, so we have a bigger army than them. We'll gather more supplies from outside Gift Academy, any weapons we can get our hands on. We'll get people to search through every single dorm and try to find the traitor," Fay finishes. I'm impressed by her excellent leadership skills.

"That's actually really good. But who's going to do all that stuff?" I ask her, wondering who might be stupid and reckless enough to actually do anything like that. Fay just simply shrugs her shoulders.

"We are."


I text everyone- Flora, Hailey, Veronica, Claire, Austin, Jake, Wesley, and Nick to meet in Gina's dorm. We rush to her dorm and are immediately greeted by everyone already sitting on the three couches in the living room, waiting for us.

"Fay! What's wrong? What do you need us for?" Flora asks me, sounding worried.

"I'm fine. Now everyone, I think you should all listen to this," I reply.

After a few minutes, I've told everyone about me and Gina's discussion in the library, including our dreams. I tell them my plan and they gape at me in shock and surprise.

"That's crazy!" Wesley exclaims. I shrug my shoulders.

"This is war, Wesley, everything's crazy," Gina responds to him bluntly.

"So, who's going to do what?" I ask everyone. The first person to raise their hand is Nick.

"You said something about hacking into the security cameras at Extra Academy. I can do that with no problem. I'm great with computers and an expert hacker," he informs me. I nod my head.

"I'm pretty good with computers, so I'll help with that," Gina says.

"Okay, so two are in charge of that. Jake and Wesley, can you two go outside of Gift Academy and get as many supplies for the war as possible?" I ask Jake and Wesley. They perk up at the sound of their names being called, and they both nod their heads yes.

"I'm actually a pretty good thief," Wesley says.

"And I'm good with guns and ammo," Jake adds.

"Perfect. Flora, what do you want to do?" I ask my sister. She looks uncertain about all of this.

"I don't know. Are you sure you want to do this, Fay? It sounds really dangerous," She tells me.

"I'm sorry, Flora, but we have to do this or our chances of winning this war are very thin," I explain. She nods her head.

"I guess I'll help teach the others how to fight and use their Gifts," she offers. I smile at her.

"I'll help with that. I've been here the longest, I know everyone here and they all know and trust me," Veronica pipes up. She smiles at me and I smile back at her.

"Okay. That leaves me, Austin, Hailey, and Claire," I point out.

"I have the Gift of darkness. That won't help with searching through other people's dorms, but I'm sure that it'll help if I were to go undercover. I'll spy at Extra Academy," Hailey volunteers.

"I'll come with you. My Gift can be pretty useful if we were to get caught," Claire says. She and Hailey make eye contact before slightly blushing and looking away.

"Okay then, that just leaves us two, Austin. We'll both search everyone else's dorms to see if we can find anything that might lead us to who the traitor is," I explain to Austin. He nods his head.

"But if we do find something in someone's dorm, how will we know whose dorm it is? We don't remember everyone's dorm number," Austin points out. Shoot, he's right.

Everyone thinks about that for a minute until Nick speaks up.

"Doesn't the office have a copy of everyone's schedules and dorm numbers?" He asks no one in particular. I think about that for a moment.

"Yeah, they do. How are we going to get them, though?" Jake asks. I sigh.

"Well, Wesley is a good pick-pocket, Hailey has the Gift of darkness, which could make someone not see anything, and I know someone who can help us," I inform everyone, smirking.

"Who?" Claire asks me.

"Just a teacher I'm very fond of," I reply.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go talk to him...or her," Wesley quickly adds in.

"Okay, let's go," I tell Hailey and Wesley. Wesley gets up off the couch and he and Hailey follow me to Mr. Hernandez's classroom.

"Mr. Hernandez?" Wesley whispers to me.

"He's the only one besides you all who know about my dream," I respond. I take a deep breath before walking into the History of Gift Academy classroom, followed closely by Hailey and Wesley. Mr. Hernandez is behind his desk, working on a pile of papers.

He looks up when he hears the door open and close behind us. He smiles warmly at us.

"Fay, Mr. Lewis, Miss. Johnson. What do you three need?" Mr. Hernandez asks us politely.

"Mr. Hernandez, we need to talk to you about something really important."

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