Chapter Thirty

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"Walker? As in...Emily Walker?" I ask Jennifer hesitantly, and she freezes up completely at the name. She looks up and at me, her eyes glassy, almost as if she's going to start crying. A few seconds later, she nods her head, glancing down at her hands

" sister..."

Now it's my turn to freeze up. I don't know what to say. Emily Walker; the tough, vengeful, merciless Extra is this kind girls sister?

"Your sister. Older or younger?" I ask her, hoping I'm not pressuring her into anything.

"Older. She was always pestering me about the Gifted, how horrible and evil they are, but I've never believed it. Now, you've kind of confirmed that she was wrong," Jennifer explains, gesturing to the plate of food and the water bottle in front of her. She doesn't meet my gaze anymore.

I slowly push the plate towards her and she hesitates before picking up the fork and starting to eat; slowly and carefully, as if worried that it might be poisoned. I'm not surprised by her paranoia. If I were in her shoes, running away from my evil older sister, on the run for about four days, and reaching the enemy before being treated nicely by them? I'd be surprised if she wasn't paranoid.

"Let's just say that a lot of people here have a grudge against your sister," I tell her, and a small smile tugs at the edges of her lips. I can tell that when you first meet her she's quiet and shy. But I know that when I really get to know her, she's going to be hyper, positive, and energetic.

I feel a wave of guilt wash over me, and I glance over my shoulder at Veronicas old room, unused and untouched. I turn back to Jennifer, who's slowly chewing on more pasta. I know that I can trust her, and I make a final decision in my head.

"When you're done, you can get yourself washed up. The bathroom's over there-" I point to the white wood door to our right, next to the balcony, which overlooks the front of Gift Academy. "You can sleep in that room, there should be some clothes in there."

Jennifer gives me a small smile, her eyes brighter than before, and she's looking at me directly now.

"Thank you, um..." She trails off, and I realize that I never gave her my name.

"Fay Landoff," I inform her, and she nods her head, finishing off her food and water. Before she can do anything else, I take the plate, fork, and water bottle and throw them away, then turn back to Jennifer.

"Go ahead, get yourself cleaned up," I tell her, and she hesitates before slowly standing up and walking to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

I wait for a few seconds, standing in almost complete darkness before I come to my senses and hold up the note Jennifer left. With trembling fingers, I slowly unfold the note and start reading.

My name is Jennifer Walker, and I am an Extra. I have the two Gifts of light and earth. I know all about the war between the Gifted and Extras, and the fact that the Shifted have joined in as well. I can help. Not the Extras, but the Gifted. I know that what the Extras are doing is wrong, and I want to ensure that the Gifted win.

I know Alison Davis, one of the main leaders of the Shifted. I spoke to her after the battle outside Gift Academy and she told me that she wants to help the Gifted, and that she thought everyone there were Extras, so ordered the other Shifted to attack. The Shifted want to help the Gifted, they just got confused.

I will take two other Gifted with me to meet Alison Davis. She told me to meet her in a certain place to talk. Whoever finds this note, meet me at the Gift Academy parking lot with another Gifted, and don't attack. This may turn the tides on the war.

-Jennifer Walker.

I stare at the note, dumbfounded. The Shifted want to help us? But what about Noah? And where is Jennifer going to meet this Alison Davis?

Tons more questions fill my mind, but I wave them all aside. Right now, my top priority is Jennifer. She obviously needs help, but she leaves us a note saying that she can help us. We're going to help each other.

The door to the bathroom opens and out steps Jennifer, looking a bit more refreshed than before. Her eyes are a bit wider, and I can tell that she splashed water on her face.

She smiles at me again before heading to Veronicas room, closing the door behind her. I look back down at the note and wonder how the other Gifted are going to react, especially since I voluntarily brought an unknown Extra into our school alone.

I shake these thoughts out of my head and sit down on the couch. I can't worry about this stuff right now.

After a few minutes of sitting and waiting, the door opens up behind me. I turn around and Jennifer walks out, wearing Veronicas pajamas.

"Thank you so much for this, Fay. I don't know how to repay you," Jennifer tells me, smiling at me brightly.

"I know a way," I reply, and Jennifer looks confused before I stand up and show her the note she left, unfolded and obviously read.

"When are we going to meet her?" I ask Jennifer, a small smile tugging at the edges of my lips.

"Tomorrow afternoon," Jennifer answers confidently, and I can tell that before all this, she was a tough, confident girl. Once she grows familiar with all of us, she's going to go back to the way she was, and the Extras are going to regret losing her.

Then my conversation with Mr. Hernandez clicks into my mind.

"Tomorrow? I can't do tomorrow. I'm meeting with someone else," I tell Jennifer, remembering the weapon and what it could possibly do.

"Oh. So, who's going to come with me? I can only bring two," Jennifer asks, her posture tall and proud. I know that she may be sweet and kind here, but she's a warrior on the battlefield, and others will be scared of her.

"I know a few people who might be interested."

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